Any grow room contractors out there?


Well-Known Member
I'm a qualified electrician and carpenter with a few grow rooms under my belt. Is there anybody out there able to generate buisness as a grow room contractor/builder? I'm aware of the obvious challenges which keeps me from posting fliers/buisness cards at local dispensaries here in Northern California. Any advice to help/discourage me to break into this field would be great. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
i might put an ad on craigslist offering "contractor for year round hydroponic vegetable gardens" just to get som clients and some start up money and you could get a real business going, especially in MMJ states for people who need to grow medicine but dont know how


Well-Known Member
say your an expert tomato/pepper breeder and can set someone up with a hydro "salsa garden" or some BS like that


Well-Known Member
Nice! Maybe I don't even need to BS. "Medicinal Grow Room Builder". My challenge is to ensure to my clients that the whole town doesn't know who I am and that I won't get followed to their room. Kind of impossible.