Any Lady growers??

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I think they have a special accommodations for woman (as usual ---right?) make a place where you can be where you want to and you do not go there. Too funny! Or my favorite equal everything except the "stuff I do not want to do" Haha Scroll down and you will see you empty room for woman. I thought to myself "what a waste of a HTML page" Woman only Growers" Segregate and the cry out for equality ???


ooooh yes just saw the thread on the homepage doh lol ,ah well at least this has taught me to look a bit closer lol especially when my first 2 ever seeds pop though the soil and grow my babies :}


Well-Known Member
I thought everyone would get a kick out of the name Chief but hell, I can chief a few guys under the table with the smoke:)