Any other gym rats out there?

Trying to get back to the gym grind... but I hope in 3- 4 weeks time I can again call myself a gym rat. Gained a few pounds and been so lazy for month so I know i'll be dragging myself... but I love a good challenge!
Ok gym rat might not be accurate YET, I'm still saving to get to the gym, but I started hitting the weights about six months back bought my own dumbells have had a bench and bag for years that were gathering dust but now after six months I average 800-1000 reps a set, all upper body work (I haven't got any leg equipment and HATE squats lol another reason to get into the gym) I'm just curious how many other smokers out there still try to take care of themselves or on the other side believe that they wouldn't be able to BECAUSE they smoke weed (which I can say from experience is bullshit, apart from when you pick up that bong instead of those weights lol which DOES happen) so this post is I guess both to find like minded people on here and also maybe give a few people the motivation to start hitting the gym :)

I used to go to the gym. But I dont like people.......let alone those fucking meat heads more interested in the mirror than the weights.

I bought a bench /squat rack for 450 used.

A 5000 dollar cable machine used for only 900.

And those bowflex 90 pound adjustable dumbbells for 1000 plus a 5.1 bench for 200

All said and done cost me around 2500 cad to avoid my fellow man. And I couldn't be happier. :bigjoint:
If you lift 300lbs 1 time
Or 100lbs 3 times
It's the same result.

For someone with damaged body parts I'd suggest free weights, high reps, and a comfortable weight, not heavy
Trying for last few years get back to shape,and always same thing..
my BB mind starts working after few weeks,I start to add more weight and problems return.. Right know my elbow is so fckd up can't hold nothing tight..
I used to go to the gym. But I dont like people.......let alone those fucking meat heads more interested in the mirror than the weights.

I bought a bench /squat rack for 450 used.

A 5000 dollar cable machine used for only 900.

And those bowflex 90 pound adjustable dumbbells for 1000 plus a 5.1 bench for 200

All said and done cost me around 2500 cad to avoid my fellow man. And I couldn't be happier. :bigjoint:
And I thought I was antisocial lmfao nice :hump:
On deload week right now. Tried to push one week more but after two sessions realized i couldn't. At least im getting dialed in my deload time better.

I'm a strength training enthusiast, although im not strong or big lol. Body weight around 160lbs right now. Bench press sitting around 210lbs; 340lbs squat. Deadlift may be around 375-405lbs.
I have a treadmill and bench in my garage. I used to lift religiously but ever since I got a pinched nerve in my neck I had to stop lifting. At least bench. I get vertigo everytime I lay back . Sucks balls actually.

What I do now religiously is hit the tread mill for a 1.5 miles everyday. Occasional skip days, but I HAVE TO SMOKE before I workout, because im lazy. And believe it or not the weed cures my lazy attitude. Get's me into a "can do" mentality. Other than that basketball , baseball and playing with the kids. But if I don't smoke it just makes it harder to get into the mood.
Ok gym rat might not be accurate YET, I'm still saving to get to the gym, but I started hitting the weights about six months back bought my own dumbells have had a bench and bag for years that were gathering dust but now after six months I average 800-1000 reps a set, all upper body work (I haven't got any leg equipment and HATE squats lol another reason to get into the gym) I'm just curious how many other smokers out there still try to take care of themselves or on the other side believe that they wouldn't be able to BECAUSE they smoke weed (which I can say from experience is bullshit, apart from when you pick up that bong instead of those weights lol which DOES happen) so this post is I guess both to find like minded people on here and also maybe give a few people the motivation to start hitting the gym :)
hey, I don't smoke weed (well the very very occasional mini pipe) but I eat it- decarb it for 45 mins at 120 degrees C and then sprinkle small amount into yogurt or something before bed for that sleepy high. I also go to the gym, it doesn't have any negative effects on my workouts, if anything its positive as a good night sleep means a good work out.

I mostly do weights too- can squat upto 80kgs deadlift 80kgs plus and for bench I normally do Dumbells flat bench and lift 22.5kgs each arm. Don't ask me what any of that is in Pounds though lol I have no idea, not bad for a female though.

Feel free to check out my very mini windowsill grow thread.
On deload week right now. Tried to push one week more but after two sessions realized i couldn't. At least im getting dialed in my deload time better.

I'm a strength training enthusiast, although im not strong or big lol. Body weight around 160lbs right now. Bench press sitting around 210lbs; 340lbs squat. Deadlift may be around 375-405lbs.

Hey, i also do strength training but have been getting some strains lately and have been struggling- i tend to not change things much so i could probably do with doing a deload.

What is a de load though?- push less weight i know but how much less and do u need to up the reps?

A deload is a phase of training were intensity and/or volume (normally both) are reduced. For an advanced lifter, a deload could aso include things like pronunced change of stimulus. Maybe a powerlifter who takes 4 weeks without touching the barbell but still training with other stimulus and tools. But that's not the case for most of us.

Deload would last mostly a week.
You may go up with reps, but i don't recommend it. A basic deload would be doing same lifts but 50-70% volume and intensity of heaviest last 3-5 weeks. You may also replace excercises: you were doing barbell rows for sets of 8-12, on deload you hit some cable row for easy sets of 10. Just don't do anything crazy: if you haven't been doing bodybuilding techniques, don't do giants sets of 30 reps and drop sets on deload week, you will be sore.

Having strains is not good; check your nutrition and sleep.
I've been up in the gym since 2004 on and off. I used to be in the navy so while I was on deployment it gave me something to do. No I just go because that's what I do. I normally go in and do some warming up as I have crippling sciatica and I've been told that stretching is good for that. Then I go into my pull, push, legs routine. If I'm on my game I'll hit a run then get a hydro massage but often I'm pressed for time and doing it all can run about 2 or 3 hours.

I've always believed that if a was better educated, stronger, and better compensated financially, then no one could ever tell me shit. As it so happens I've got a lot of that going for me nowdays and life is good.
Ok gym rat might not be accurate YET, I'm still saving to get to the gym, but I started hitting the weights about six months back bought my own dumbells have had a bench and bag for years that were gathering dust but now after six months I average 800-1000 reps a set, all upper body work (I haven't got any leg equipment and HATE squats lol another reason to get into the gym) I'm just curious how many other smokers out there still try to take care of themselves or on the other side believe that they wouldn't be able to BECAUSE they smoke weed (which I can say from experience is bullshit, apart from when you pick up that bong instead of those weights lol which DOES happen) so this post is I guess both to find like minded people on here and also maybe give a few people the motivation to start hitting the gym :)
You need to get on an elliptical three times a week and get the heart bpm way up for an hour. With tension and elevation. You will end up with a disfigured barrel shape working the top all the time. With little sticks to support all that puffery. Lift or machine's alternate days keep the core strong. And remember depression kills in this country . Get off your ass and make some friends at the gym.
Ok gym rat might not be accurate YET, I'm still saving to get to the gym, but I started hitting the weights about six months back bought my own dumbells have had a bench and bag for years that were gathering dust but now after six months I average 800-1000 reps a set, all upper body work (I haven't got any leg equipment and HATE squats lol another reason to get into the gym) I'm just curious how many other smokers out there still try to take care of themselves or on the other side believe that they wouldn't be able to BECAUSE they smoke weed (which I can say from experience is bullshit, apart from when you pick up that bong instead of those weights lol which DOES happen) so this post is I guess both to find like minded people on here and also maybe give a few people the motivation to start hitting the gym :)

I walk, hike, or run like 5-15 miles a day with my dog. I've been doing this for years. No breaks. I also randomly lift some weights but not often. I tend to blaze later in the evening these days but I used to maintain this routine while burning all day. I guess I prefer to exercise, take care of all my shit (work, clean the house, whatever) and then chill back and burn. Feels better that way for me these days. Back in the day though I used to straight up smoke blunts and rips bongs all day and still hang out at the gym for at least a couple of hours lifting weights and running on the track or treadmill. You can definitely be an active stoner, it's really all about where your head is at imo.
I've been going to the gym since I was 16, on and off sometimes but I've been a regular for a long time now.. Can't say I'm addicted, my hype comes and goes depending on the season, and the muscle group I'm focusing.. Just hitting the basics (squat, deadlift, bench, ohp) with consistency is enough to maintain muscle and grow when I get my diet right..
Switched over to home gym a while ago just for convenience and so I could make it super fun. Heavy bag with a water core, 0-50# adjustable weight vest, free weights, and a bosu ball are the highlights.
I have a small dirt bike course with jumps that’s evolving in the back yard on about an acre. Plans are to build a grip based obstacle course in back instead of just hanging from random shit. I want to be able to ride up and jump from my bike to the grip course muhaha.

Have a pretty decent elliptical climber machine thing for the wife and days I need something random or stuck inside. Got the diet right and was gaining good lean weight until I injured myself 10 days ago. Now the scale dropped a pound. I’m stuck waiting to heal or risking a hernia. Going nutty here.
Ok gym rat might not be accurate YET, I'm still saving to get to the gym, but I started hitting the weights about six months back bought my own dumbells have had a bench and bag for years that were gathering dust but now after six months I average 800-1000 reps a set, all upper body work (I haven't got any leg equipment and HATE squats lol another reason to get into the gym) I'm just curious how many other smokers out there still try to take care of themselves or on the other side believe that they wouldn't be able to BECAUSE they smoke weed (which I can say from experience is bullshit, apart from when you pick up that bong instead of those weights lol which DOES happen) so this post is I guess both to find like minded people on here and also maybe give a few people the motivation to start hitting the gym :)
I'm a garage gym rat. I do all my training at home.