• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Any vegitarians here


Well-Known Member
With my ambush crack, I was referring specifically to the cupcake who started this thread. The OP who has mysteriously disappeared from his own thread. Off in some corner of RUI licking his wounds in his pee soaked UnderRoos.

Most all other responders have been totally cool. :clap:

I exempt of course the one-post-and-split members who dropped into a vegetarian thread only to tell us how much they love meat-sickles. :dunce:

It's been fun....

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
As with any other successful endeavor in life, eating should be governed by moderation, variety, and personal preferrence. I like eating meat. I like eating vegetables. According to the wife, I spend way to much time hunting in the fall and winter, and gardening and fishing in the spring and summer. Nobody complains when it's time to eat it though.

Forget about the grocery store for meat and veggies. Buy from local farmers and produce companies if you can't grow it yourself. Invest in a good chest freezer. Chances are, there is a farmer near you who can sell you vegetables and meat for freezing at a fraction of the cost. A local butcher shop can process any animals you buy humanely and efficiently.

Good homegrown MJ makes a great bartering tool for these things also.


Well-Known Member
Eating meat is not bad for the environment..... Sure, raising cattle is. But the ones I eat are already grown and dead. Not much good I'm gonna do by not eating it....

That's a pretty stupid argument. If you don't buy it, demand for beef is lowered and less are raised in the future. Don't be dumb.

Ex: If people stop buying cars (say because of a recession), production stops. No more pollution from the auto industry. Get it?


Well-Known Member
It's also stupid to think that for me to stop eating meat is going to cause a significant difference. In many topics I agree that it starts at home but people have been eating meat since the beginning of time. I eat maybe one cow a year, maybe. Do you think if I stop eating meat everyone else is going to say "Hey, obviously meat is bad for you!" No. Because that shit tastes good.

Do you really think farts are destroying our planet? Honestly?? That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Global warming is a myth. The planet has been getting hotter and colder since the beginning of time. Why do you think we have ice ages?


Well-Known Member
I am my own person who determines for myself which line I am willing to cross in order to sustain my existence. Your line is in a different place than mine.

Ouch. Thanks for makin me feel like an asshole on that one. That was a pretty dick thing of me to say. Lol.

But you don't think that your logic is flawed in that you won't kill a sentient being to eat, but you'll kill thousands of them to smoke some weed?


Well-Known Member
It's also stupid to think that for me to stop eating meat is going to cause a significant difference. In many topics I agree that it starts at home but people have been eating meat since the beginning of time. I eat maybe one cow a year, maybe. Do you think if I stop eating meat everyone else is going to say "Hey, obviously meat is bad for you!" No. Because that shit tastes good.
Once again one's diet choice is a personal issue. People become vegetarians for a myriad of reasons - all valid. What I consider interesting is that many non-vegetarians never consider the impact of their diets at all. And it is not fellow vegetarians who attempt to put me on the defensive about my diet, it's the meat eaters. Ironic, that.

When I consider the number of animals spared over the past 13 years simply by my diet choice, I feel pretty good about it.
Do you really think farts are destroying our planet? Honestly?? That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Global warming is a myth. The planet has been getting hotter and colder since the beginning of time. Why do you think we have ice ages?
In my response to global warming I agreed that Global Warming was a scam. I also said the environmental impact of meat goes beyond cow farts. The global warming hoax ultimately has less to do with the environment and more to do with crippling our economy.

However, the environmental impact of meat extends far beyond global warming. I mentioned over-grazing, and the petroleum required in meat production. I mentioned the inefficiency of meat versus plant based diet. The land required to sustain a meat eater dwarfs the acreage required to sustain a vegetarian. Meat protein requires 100 times the amount of fresh water that plant proteins require. What I did not mention was the run-off from factory farms (mainly pork) is causing serious damage to rivers, lakes, and streams.
Ouch. Thanks for makin me feel like an asshole on that one. That was a pretty dick thing of me to say. Lol.

But you don't think that your logic is flawed in that you won't kill a sentient being to eat, but you'll kill thousands of them to smoke some weed?
Not at all. I explained it previously but I am happy to do so again. We all must eat. The threshold I am willing to cross in order to sustain myself is lower than yours. In order for me to eat the fruits & vegetables and smoke the herb from my garden, insects must die. There is nothing I can do about it. I don't like it, but that's the way it is. Every time I shower multitudes of microscopic critters on my skin and in my hair die. When I drive to work, countless insects are sacrificed on the windshield of my car. I will not stop eating, showering, or driving. The line I am willing to cross line stops at insects and your line stops elsewhere. No flawed logic at all.


Well-Known Member
With my ambush crack, I was referring specifically to the cupcake who started this thread. The OP who has mysteriously disappeared from his own thread. Off in some corner of RUI licking his wounds in his pee soaked UnderRoos.

Most all other responders have been totally cool. :clap:

I exempt of course the one-post-and-split members who dropped into a vegetarian thread only to tell us how much they love meat-sickles. :dunce:

It's been fun....
First and foremost I don't hide from anyone, I've been at work. Secondly I haven't wore underoos since 74. Thirdly I honestly thought this was over when i apologized, apparently not. You don't eat meat and I obviously touched a nerve with a thread that I didn't think would be taken this seriously. No- way am I apologizing twice, as far as I'm concerned I'm done with this thread. see you around:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
First and foremost I don't hide from anyone, I've been at work. Secondly I haven't wore underoos since 74. Thirdly I honestly thought this was over when i apologized, apparently not. You don't eat meat and I obviously touched a nerve with a thread that I didn't think would be taken this seriously. No- way am I apologizing twice, as far as I'm concerned I'm done with this thread. see you around:blsmoke:
Apparently you are not the only one here who did some nerve touching.

I imagine the designers of the Claymore mine had geniuses like you in mind when they included in plain English "Front Toward Enemy" clearly marked on the device.

I think everyone here understands that you were done with this tread a while back.

TTFN, Cupcake.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about becoming a Vegetarian but I'm really not sure if I could as I have taken quite a liking to red meat over the past 26 years.

My steak of choice is cooked Rare, so rare in fact that I've grown to prefer a little spiced up blood running down the sides of my mouth/chin when I eat it. The term 'Delicious' is unfathomably understated when describing said heavenly meat.

But I want to eat better, be healthier, have more energy and from what I hear these things are achievable if you practice Vegetarianism.

........I dunno seems kinda hard though........no meat? damn.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about becoming a Vegetarian but I'm really not sure if I could as I have taken quite a liking to red meat over the past 26 years.

My steak of choice is cooked Rare, so rare in fact that I've grown to prefer a little spiced up blood running down the sides of my mouth/chin when I eat it. The term 'Delicious' is unfathomably understated when describing said heavenly meat.

But I want to eat better, be healthier, have more energy and from what I hear these things are achievable if you practice Vegetarianism.

........I dunno seems kinda hard though........no meat? damn.
Like politics and religion, one's diet choice is a highly personal decision. There exists a cornucopia of reasons why one would go vegetarian. My one reason, the original reason I quit meat, has blossomed into a thousand more. All affirmations, that for me, it was the right decision.

Of course meat tastes good. We are conditioned from a tender age to eat it. And the cognitive dissonance surrounding meat is very powerful. The happy barnyard fantasy children are encouraged to believe only masks the cold, hard truth.

But vegetarian fare tastes good as well. My choice opened up a completely new world of taste I may never have experienced otherwise.

I'm a big eater. I enjoy making a fucking pig out of myself every time I sit down to the table. My diet allows me to eat all I want; eat extremely well, and not worry about weight. Not one bit.

Whatever you choose, good luck.


Well-Known Member
WOW this wasn't what I expected this thread to be.

I'm not a vegetarian, have thought about and now some ppl who are. I've just never made the decision to do it.

Anyway, the reason I'm posting here is because of my son. He is 5 and hasn't eaten any type of meat since he was about 1.5 years old. It was a choice he made all by himself. We have tried on different ocasions to get him to eat different things but he won't. He says that he doesn't like the way it feels in has mouth.

So I thought you might be on to something with that evolution idea JohnnyO. We really don't need meat, it's just so intrenched in the American diet that it would be like fighting the tobacco companies to admit the cigs are bad.:peace:


Well-Known Member
The lion kills because it has no choice. Evolution leaves it with very few options.

Human beings have evolved. We no longer practice slavery. We eliminated 'colored only' water fountains. Blacks and whites intermarry legally. Homosexuals no longer are forced to live secret lives. All those things were in place throughout history, but we turned away from those practices not because they suddenly became wrong. No. We as a society realized they were wrong and rejected them as we evolved. Part of that human evolution of which I write is the rise of agriculture, which has given us the power of choice regarding our diet.

I exercise that choice by not killing that cow.

Honestly I don't care what you eat. It's between you, your cardiologist, and your oncologist.

I am only concerned with what I choose to put in my body.

Which is ultimately why this thread gives me the giggles. This vegetarian-ambush thread has seriously backfired.
1) Slavery is VERY MUCH alive in the world(and in the USA): http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/editorials/la-ed-slavery8-2009jan08,0,1440842.story

2) We may have claimed to eliminate colored fountains but the South is still a very racist place and many area's still practice segregation: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/24/magazine/24prom-t.html?pagewanted=2&_r=2&hp

3) Anyone who says Global Warming is a scam is a fucking delusional idiot.

I plant and grow my own garden, I eat organically and from SUSTAINABLE food sources whenever possible. One of my favorite hobby's is I love to visit all of the local farmers markets(we have one of the top 10 largest and best farmers markets in the entire USA located here in Madison) I don't eat meat daily(I actually like Boca Burgers and Boca chicken patties) and I rarely eat red meat but to think that eating meat is some terrible thing and that we have somehow evolved from it is simply foolish and ignorant.

My parents were raised as farmers, hell when I was growing up we raised chickens and butchered them. I remember going to my uncle's place as a little kid and watching them cut off chickens heads and see them run around(after their heads were chopped off, lol)

I've seen pigs get slaughtered as well.

Granted the practices we put in place were as humane as we could have made it. I rather detest and refuse to buy meat from any source that is not humanitarian/organic/sustainable and the gigantic meat industry needs to be brought down.

Now for some of you with the balls to do it, watch this video(I realize its from PETA but seriously, watch this and tell me your moral compass doesn't find this outrageous) http://blog.peta.org/archives/2007/07/shocking_new_ko.php

Its just the smiple fact that most people don't care because, well, they like to remain ignorant. Ignorance is bliss I guess.


Well-Known Member
I was referring to institutionalized slavery, but you are correct. It exists. Hopefully we will continue the trend away from it.
2) We may have claimed to eliminate colored fountains but the South is still a very racist place and many area's still practice segregation: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/24/magazine/24prom-t.html?pagewanted=2&_r=2&hp
Racism exists everywhere. There is segregation, as well as segregation movements, and not all perpetrated by Whitey. La Raza springs to mind. But like slavery, I was primarily referring to institutionalized racism.
3) Anyone who says Global Warming is a scam is a fucking delusional idiot.
The same goes for those who buy into the ginned up Global Warming hysteria.

Climate change is scientific and verifiable. The earth has been hotter and cooler many times over. The earths climate is constantly changing.

But man-made global warming? ROTFLAO!

It's a hoax designed to drain affluent countries of wealth and transfer said wealth to 3rd world shit-holes once the funds have filtered through the corrupt UN.

I plant and grow my own garden, I eat organically and from SUSTAINABLE food sources whenever possible. One of my favorite hobby's is I love to visit all of the local farmers markets(we have one of the top 10 largest and best farmers markets in the entire USA located here in Madison) I don't eat meat daily(I actually like Boca Burgers and Boca chicken patties) and I rarely eat red meat but to think that eating meat is some terrible thing and that we have somehow evolved from it is simply foolish and ignorant.
For me, eating meat is a terrible thing and I have evolved from it. What you eat is your affair and I could not care less.

But to state societies and cultures do not evolve is myopic. They do, as evidenced by the elimination of the examples I provided. A claim that mankind does not continually evolve is simply shortsighted.
My parents were raised as farmers, hell when I was growing up we raised chickens and butchered them. I remember going to my uncle's place as a little kid and watching them cut off chickens heads and see them run around(after their heads were chopped off, lol)

I've seen pigs get slaughtered as well.

Granted the practices we put in place were as humane as we could have made it. I rather detest and refuse to buy meat from any source that is not humanitarian/organic/sustainable and the gigantic meat industry needs to be brought down.

Now for some of you with the balls to do it, watch this video(I realize its from PETA but seriously, watch this and tell me your moral compass doesn't find this outrageous) http://blog.peta.org/archives/2007/07/shocking_new_ko.php

Its just the smiple fact that most people don't care because, well, they like to remain ignorant. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
If so too bad. I just destroyed the juciest piece of alberta beef known to man. The rarer the better, "natures barbq's sauce" was dripping all over. de-lish. I don't know why someone would deny themself taste. Oh well to each their own.
i love juicy steak as much as the next guy.

but you're a douchebag, you know why you made this thread. you wanted to start some arguments with some vegetarians and be a typical internet troll

anyhoo have a nice day douchebagbongsmilie

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
The same goes for those who buy into the ginned up Global Warming hysteria.

Climate change is scientific and verifiable. The earth has been hotter and cooler many times over. The earths climate is constantly changing.

But man-made global warming? ROTFLAO!

It's a hoax designed to drain affluent countries of wealth and transfer said wealth to 3rd world shit-holes once the funds have filtered through the corrupt UN.
Global Warming is a hoax designed to drain affluent countries of wealth the wealth to 3rd world shit-holes once the funds have been filtered through the corrupt UN? Lmao you do know wealthy affluent countries have been draining those same third world countries of natural resources and exploiting their people for centuries? but thats not the point. Even if your claim was true, I honestly wouldn't mind a little wealth going back to those "third-world shitholes".

Of course earth's climate is changing and will continue changing, however that does not mean man can't be altering or significantly disrupting climate patterns.

And you're telling me the release of Billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere, has no apparent effect on our climate at all right?

In 1960, there were 310 PPM of CO2 in the atmosphere, right now it's about 390 PPM of carbon dioxide. Yeah that's very natural. I'm assuming you think that alarming increase in CO2 is natural and the earth is doing it on its own right? The burning of fossil fuels has nothing to do with it right?

And about 99 percent of the scientific community, you know the people who actually know more than you and study this for a living, they're wrong right? This is all a big plan right.

You have to stop visiting those conspiracy theory websites, tey're rotting your brain :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Global Warming is a hoax designed to drain affluent countries of wealth the wealth to 3rd world shit-holes once the funds have been filtered through the corrupt UN? Lmao you do know wealthy affluent countries have been draining those same third world countries of natural resources and exploiting their people for centuries? but thats not the point. Even if your claim was true, I honestly wouldn't mind a little wealth going back to those "third-world shitholes".

Of course earth's climate is changing and will continue changing, however that does not mean man can't be altering or significantly disrupting climate patterns.

And you're telling me the release of Billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere, has no apparent effect on our climate at all right?

In 1960, there were 310 PPM of CO2 in the atmosphere, right now it's about 390 PPM of carbon dioxide. Yeah that's very natural. I'm assuming you think that alarming increase in CO2 is natural and the earth is doing it on its own right? The burning of fossil fuels has nothing to do with it right?

And about 99 percent of the scientific community, you know the people who actually know more than you and study this for a living, they're wrong right? This is all a big plan right.

You have to stop visiting those conspiracy theory websites, tey're rotting your brain
I never claimed fossil fuels don't have a detrimental effect on the environment. But global warming?

Here, you dropped this: :dunce:

That's pretty fucking arrogant to think we have that sort of influence. You do realize not all greenhouse gasses are man made, right?

The global warming scare is the culmination of a successful anti-capitalist movement and apparently you're another sucker who has bought into it hook, line, and sinker. And if you want to trade sources we can do it. Start a thread and I'll be happy to oblige you.


Well-Known Member
I never said humanity as a whole does not evolve, I agree that over the course of thousands of years we will evolve. We have done away with a great many "traditions" that are barbaric however we are still very much in our infancy in evolution. Our body's are still designed to process meat as well as vegetables.

However with the power of the food industry and its government handouts many Americans and other countries consume unhealthy amounts of meat.

Animals that are grass fed, raised healthy and happy provide much better(I mean you can literally taste the difference) quality meat that will sustain you for a long time and reduce the amount of unhealthy byproducts fed to those animals and the the terrible living conditions they suffer.

As far as climate change, you're right it is scientific fact, its ALSO scientific fact that we are heading into a warming period faster than anytime in recorded history(and by recorded history I don't mean mankind, I mean from soil samples, tree samples, etc etc)

Its already documented scientific proof that humans have increased the amount of heat trapping gasses in our atmosphere.

I don't really understand how anyone can say that its just a ploy by the insanely corrupt UN to move the nations wealth to 3rd world countries. That's NEVER going to happen.

Its pure paranoia right there.