Any way to combat sagging (top heavy) plants?


Well-Known Member
I have 15 plants in their 4th week of flowering so they're starting to get top heavy. They have been under constant and strong oscillating fans while the lights are on, but not when off. I walked in today to see them ALL laid over and down and sagging massively. One row leaned and started a domino effect. The dro setup is fine and they're not lacking water or nutes.. seems they just buckled under their own weight, like they were just waiting to fall over. Even the little branches are pointing at the floor. What was a beautiful canopy is now an effed up hodge podge of tied up plants. Is there any way to avoid this in the future? I had hoped these might stand up at least farther into the grow. Thx


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a job for the bamboo stick gang, you can set several, and tie from the top down. LOL


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a purely mechanical problem. As if the plants are overcoming the restraining influence of the grow medium. All I could think of would be to tie them in place or devise some type of restraining collar to hold them erect. Maybe when they get a little bigger the roots will get tangled up and anchor the plants to each other. Or you could just let them grow laid over. That might give the biggest buds you ever seen. Surely somebody would testify that stategy be some exotic variant of super cropping
