anybody grown in a closet that they cant modify


Well-Known Member
Cut the bottom of the door slightly off, cut rounds holes in the top of the door and mount fans on it that blow out but will not make an actual opening for light to enter through. Fresh air will be sucked in under the door where you cut it off and blown out the top and you do not have major light leak problems.
Put the tools down. Dont modify a rental property. Landlords dont like it. At least ask first say you want to put better door in or at least if you not going to ask get door that matches exactly. Why dont you jus leave door open? with a fan either exhausting air or blowing it in? jus make sure when door is open when lights are on no light escapse out windows and if you are in flowering close door at night so no light gets in.

Brick Top

New Member
Put the tools down. Dont modify a rental property. Landlords dont like it. At least ask first say you want to put better door in or at least if you not going to ask get door that matches exactly. Why dont you jus leave door open? with a fan either exhausting air or blowing it in? jus make sure when door is open when lights are on no light escapse out windows and if you are in flowering close door at night so no light gets in.

Altering a cheap door is not a problem as long as it is replaced when you move out.

West Coast Medicine

Well-Known Member
Yea bro, my closet is the same size, but 7 ft. high. I too have a 1000w MH it is hot as hell, I've tried everything to vent that space, and it's just not possible to keep the temp under 85 even with the doors open and the windows to the outside open. If you can, get a light hood with ducting attachments and pump it right out of the closet. Also, keep the ballast out of the closet, your light cord should be long enough to run it out of the closet, that will cut a LOT of heat..


Active Member
If i cut the door i essentially turn the closet to a cabinet. with an area above that the exhaust can run out of the cabinet into the room. im not worried about light leaks because of two fabric tapestries that cover the door (with the exception of the exhaust area). the only thing im worried about is ventilation. also does anyone know if there would be a signifigant differance if a 400w hps is used instead of the 1000w? im not sure in a space 4x5x2 WxHxD that the 1000w is much different than the 400w


Active Member
I Run into the same problem you are i am upgrading to a 1000watt digital ballast that also has the option on HPS or MH. You might want to look into digital ballast they run much more efficent and put less stress on the bulb when it starts up and also run cooler. I have to cut the ceiling out and run a stack out thru my roof with a carbon filter to kill the Skunkish smell that comes from budding plants !
Good luck !


Active Member
im thinking bout venting to the attic. the people who own the building bought it 3 months ago and dont really know too much about it i was gonna run the exhaust into the attic with a carbon charcoal filter and a bathroom exhaust.


Active Member
yea i am currently in this situation. luckily my plan is to grab a door that is just sitting in storage at my parents house and shave off 2 inches so its not too wide and go everything else with a cool tube and whatnot. until i get the door fitted in and everything ive just been running 6-8 26w 6500k cfl's and it keeps temps in high 70's/low 80's. i tried first with the 400w before working out ventilation and fried like 12 seedlings in 120 degree fahrenheit heat. def work out ventilation before thinking about it