Anybody Know Ways To Quick Dry?


Active Member
Yo , im just woundering if anyone has any info on how to quickly dry buds , i dont want to put them in the oven or microwave ive just been putting them on my dvd player , but does anyone know a faster way? besides hanging , i know i should just be patient with it since ive waited so long anyway whats a few more weeks letting them hang dry , but i would like to just get them dry and smoke-able in atleast 3 to 4 days , im not looking to cook them till they are crisp just dry them normaly but speed up the process , any info would be sweet.



Active Member
wrap the buds in a newspaper and leave it to dry in the sun all day...gonna taste really harsh but the high should still be pretty decent.


Well-Known Member
Wrap a handful of damp-rid in a paper towel and put it in a mason jar, then put weed in the same jar and let sit.

Since the humidity will be so low in the jar it will dry the weed quicker, and no heat is required. Still will take some time though.


Well-Known Member
I only ask because I got a couple popcorn buds which have no stems on them and just wanted to give it a test. Just put rest in dry box.