eg. go fuck yourself you miserable whores bastard your about as much fun as a miscarriage!
LOL I don't really know any, I'm getting educated about slang of other countries right here on this forum.
Anyone ever watch "The Young Ones"? I really loved that show. Rick Mayall (wasn't that his name) he's a genius.
I think it's cool to hear the Aussie's talk too, they come up with some good ones.
Londoner, your new avatar is gonna make me puke. I hate anything weird that concerns eyes.
the young ones was quality! rik mayall and adrian edmunson, ever heard of 'bottom'? it was made after young ones finished and has rik and adrian as the main to characters, its funny as donald duck

and my avater is gonna stay i think
i love cockney rhyme. smoke gives me the seargent biggles, got an ounce in me sky rocket etc etc.. my favorite insult at the moment is whores bastard.
eg. go fuck yourself you miserable whores bastard your about as much fun as a miscarriage!
i dont use that language very much unless you really piss me off. you guys got any?
Erm........... off the top of my head, bubble bath-laugh, oliver twist-pissed, bacon bits-tits, oily rag-fag, bail of hay-gay, omar shariff-greif, rattle & hum-cum, danny la rue-clue, khyber pass-arse, you & me or roselea-tea, back & front-c#nt, bacardi breezer-geezer, oily rig-wig, kitchen sink-chink, kitchen tap-jap, farmer giles-piles, parafin lamp-tramp, dibs & dabs-crabs, battle cruiser-boozer, red n yella-umbrella, patrick swayze-crazy, iron hoof-poof, dick van dyke-bike, daffy ducked-fucked, vauxhall cavalier-queer, bethnal greens-jeans, keith cheggers-preggers, dog & bone telephone, bacon & eggs-legs, gregory peck-neck, claire raynors-trainers, bat & wicket-ticket, von trappe-crap etc etc to name just a few.......