Anyone else hate the taste of beer?


Active Member
I cant drink very well, I'm a lightweight. I dont like the taste, but I enjoy it. I always throw up anyways lol!


Active Member
One of my good buddies is allergic to hops, lol we thought he was such a light weight the first time he drank, because 5 minutes later he was spewing everywhere hahaha. Took him a couple more times to realize it was the beer and not his tolerance...


Active Member
cheap American pilsner is to beer what kool-aid is to fruit juice...

you haven't acquired a taste for it, because it tastes like shit. that's probably a good thing.
I've been told it's an acquired taste. I'm 27, been drinking it since I was 18. I would think I should have acquired the taste by this point, but I haven't, I find the taste absolutely revolting. I can only drink a couple regular beers. I can drink lots more of a light beer. Bud light is my favorite because it tastes the least like beer. I drink it in social situations because I often feel obligated to. When I drink at my house, or BYOB, it's always mixed drinks. Rum and coke is my drink of choice for many years now.
when you grow up come on over and we will share a bowl or dozen and introduce to Porters, a nice mellow type of beer, not like a Guiness and not that light beer.
Its uamerican to hate the taste of beer.


Well-Known Member
I've always loved the taste, when i was like 7 my dad let me have a couple sips of his, and thats when i realised i loved beer lol....


Well-Known Member
I've been told it's an acquired taste. I'm 27, been drinking it since I was 18. I would think I should have acquired the taste by this point, but I haven't, I find the taste absolutely revolting. I can only drink a couple regular beers. I can drink lots more of a light beer. Bud light is my favorite because it tastes the least like beer. I drink it in social situations because I often feel obligated to. When I drink at my house, or BYOB, it's always mixed drinks. Rum and coke is my drink of choice for many years now.
Don't worry about it it's normal for women not to like beer


Well-Known Member
I've been told it's an acquired taste. I'm 27, been drinking it since I was 18. I would think I should have acquired the taste by this point, but I haven't, I find the taste absolutely revolting. I can only drink a couple regular beers. I can drink lots more of a light beer. Bud light is my favorite because it tastes the least like beer. I drink it in social situations because I often feel obligated to. When I drink at my house, or BYOB, it's always mixed drinks. Rum and coke is my drink of choice for many years now.
Me too, I don't like beer and rum & coke is my favorite. Only thing is that all coke starts to taste like it has rum in it after you drink it for a while which kind of sucks. Drinking a lot of sugar also isn't good. I kind of like malt liquor cause it's stronger and you can just get getting drunk over with quicker than drinking a gallon of beer


Well-Known Member
I never was really fond of beer until I had rolling rock... now I will drink anything, except milwawkees beast and nasty ice.. or buttwiper,
same with liquor, wasn't too fond of it until johnnie walker black label... now I really like a lot of liquor.. even without mix/chaser... jim beam black.. dickle's whiskey, sailor jerrys,
crown, makers mark, so co and dr pepper has quite a bit of fond memories attached to it...