anyone else kid themselves about the whole legalization game?


so I was wondering if any growers like myself had initially thought they could start a business then eventually realized they'd be better off doing this as a hobby instead.

anyone other growers out there come to this same conclusion?
I say both: a hobby and a business. The 2 key words are slowly but surely. I'd say most successful business aren't made overnite. Isn't the American dream to like what you're doing for a living?


It is just a question of time but it is going to take someone that can figure out a tax program to supliment the gov take
Isn't that how this mess all got started?!

tip top toker, about your sig: if Cataract is gonna narc on someone in a cartel, I'd say the bad move's on him! ;)


Well-Known Member
With regard to the consumer just wanting to get high. I think that is incorrect. While it is a more prevalent issue given the size and legality of the market, it is no different to alcohol. While a huge number of people just buy the cheapest highest % booze they can find, there are plenty of folk who will happily spend the extra money to get a wine that is actually enjoyable, and not just for getting you drunk. I think part of theissue at present is also that it is a scorned upon thing, a lot of the people with the money who wjould buy the nicer bottle of alcohol, are often the kind who were brought up with the weeb = bad mentality. Maybe with time that will all change.

As to legalisation, i don't really see it happening any time soon, americas MMJ laws have turned the notion of medical cannabis into a complete joke and it is no longer taken that seriously as people see mmj in cali etc, as a trial, to see what would happen, and it's just kids making shit up so they can get a card that'll get them high. For legalisation there needs to be a bigger push from a different direction, the medical direction has been shot to pieces by it's users.

Weed to me holds no intrinsic value though, i would much much rather hold down a job than make my living from pot. I don't like spending a few months sitting around bored let alone years, work keeps your mind sharp, keeps you from becoming a slob and whatnot. I'l do it as a hobby and supplement my income in a small manner, even be it just for petrol money given what we pay in the UK, but i would never chose it as my sole income.

I agree with the work makes you sharp and the lonely bored hours at home do indeed suck if you're not with the right people...

@stonefree69 true that man....


Active Member
With regard to the consumer just wanting to get high. I think that is incorrect. While it is a more prevalent issue given the size and legality of the market, it is no different to alcohol. While a huge number of people just buy the cheapest highest % booze they can find, there are plenty of folk who will happily spend the extra money to get a wine that is actually enjoyable, and not just for getting you drunk. I think part of theissue at present is also that it is a scorned upon thing, a lot of the people with the money who wjould buy the nicer bottle of alcohol, are often the kind who were brought up with the weeb = bad mentality. Maybe with time that will all change.

As to legalisation, i don't really see it happening any time soon, americas MMJ laws have turned the notion of medical cannabis into a complete joke and it is no longer taken that seriously as people see mmj in cali etc, as a trial, to see what would happen, and it's just kids making shit up so they can get a card that'll get them high. For legalisation there needs to be a bigger push from a different direction, the medical direction has been shot to pieces by it's users.

Weed to me holds no intrinsic value though, i would much much rather hold down a job than make my living from pot. I don't like spending a few months sitting around bored let alone years, work keeps your mind sharp, keeps you from becoming a slob and whatnot. I'l do it as a hobby and supplement my income in a small manner, even be it just for petrol money given what we pay in the UK, but i would never chose it as my sole income.
If MMJ is being taken like a joke why is it that every couple years we have different states throughout a decade supporting it? Maybe it's not going fast enough for your taste but it is clear that the movement has taken on some serious momentum. I mean this November there will be a full legalization on the ballet and that is a serious accomplishment in itself. Sure many people talk about how its a joke but why do more states continue to pass and attempt to pass similar laws? Because its working in other states! Now as far as this being a job i would never recommend that because the value is only as high as the demand and it is pretty easy to grow so once its OK for people to do there own thing i would expect a sharp decrease in price as it should be. These dumbass laws are the only thing making this profitable anymore so once that changes i would not expect for you to make much of anything.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If MMJ is being taken like a joke why is it that every couple years we have different states throughout a decade supporting it? Maybe it's not going fast enough for your taste but it is clear that the movement has taken on some serious momentum. I mean this November there will be a full legalization on the ballet and that is a serious accomplishment in itself. Sure many people talk about how its a joke but why do more states continue to pass and attempt to pass similar laws? Because its working in other states! Now as far as this being a job i would never recommend that because the value is only as high as the demand and it is pretty easy to grow so once its OK for people to do there own thing i would expect a sharp decrease in price as it should be. These dumbass laws are the only thing making this profitable anymore so once that changes i would not expect for you to make much of anything.
I am talking from someone who is not an American. Most people outside of america perceive the system to be a joke, and to be tarnishing the notion of cannabis for medical purposes. Medical marijuana cards should not be given out because anyone who fancies some pot just walks into a doctors and sais they have trouble sleeping or have some recurring headaches. It seems to most outside of the states, all US mmj has shown is that it actually has nothing to do with anything medical, just a legal way to get some weed and make a pocketful of money. You just need look at dispensary prices or caregiver prices to know that it's medical "need" is not at the top of their priorities.

I don't know that much about the ins and outs of medical cannabis in the US, but having watched that weed program with the hippy bloke, it appears that the state earns tax money on the pot being sold, in this day and age it's been shown that governing bodies will do anything in order to pul in some more tax money. That is just a side thought though.


Well-Known Member
Beware companies like Monsato if cannabis is legalized. These companies will look to genetically modify cannabis strains in order to patent seeds and sue farmers that have their companies genetics in their crops. They win lawsuits of this kind even if crops are seeded through natural pollenation. This could over time reduce the variety to a set number of commercially available strains and limit the available genetics that small time growers can work with.


Well-Known Member
Beware companies like Monsato if cannabis is legalized. These companies will look to genetically modify cannabis strains in order to patent seeds and sue farmers that have their companies genetics in their crops. They win lawsuits of this kind even if crops are seeded through natural pollenation. This could over time reduce the variety to a set number of commercially available strains and limit the available genetics that small time growers can work with.

I manually pollinate single branches so I'm not too worried about this however I do find it quite alarming.


Well-Known Member
i wanted to grow my rec 15 plants. when i realized the help i needed fucked me over by sending me crushed seeds it turned into one plant. then another seed popped and im debating on how far i want to go for this. its going to be novemeber before my second crop. my rec lasts till feb, heres the catch, im going to germany for 2 weeks in in december. i wont be able to get another crop going till i get back.
The idea was to have 15 constantly with seeds or clones. All clones failed a week ago. i wanted to roll joints and pass them out to unsuspecting pot heads and give out weed tea and just be happy giving free weed away. once i got to where im at and saw from seed to flower, how much of a "holy shit this is interesting (time, conditions, growth rate ect)" ive turned into the idea this will be a hobby but dont no how long for(i live in another spot which is for sale). seeds take to long and cost to much, clones die, people invade my space all the time. i'll grow in the future for sure but its so much easier just sticking to all the other plants because i can water them with w/e and they dont care, the seeds are 3 bucks for 50 and they grow easier and faster. I've definatly come to the conclusion that this idea of legal shit is just that shit. if it happens the market will be flooded with so much SHIT weed it wont make a difference where you get your seeds you'll smoke potent weed with shit for genetics and thats it. im for the quality as my racing thoughts tend to fuck with me. so I'm still game for holding out on the elitist idea of growing only good genetic seeds. but with all things considered its just one of those things. its becoming more of an option to quit then to medicate period (life moves faster also without). cant find a single person in town with a dominant anything its all mixed hybrid and bullshit even from med providers. the way we thought it would be is just a dream. no one cares its all about getting high to them not relief from pain.


Ursus marijanus
I also beleive that as younger politicians start to take control it will be a no brainer. I am 50 the people I vote for are older than me for the most part. When I see a young and upcoming politician I take a strong look at them for this exact reason.

It is just a question of time but it is going to take someone that can figure out a tax program to supliment the gov take before it ever happens not to mention the monies contributed by big pharma to stop the movement. How do we ever compete with that?
I don't think big pharma are the main enemy. I would look to the incarceration industry. If taxation of Cannabis can't hope to match the cash flow through the courts, prisons, police forces ... we're dreaming a green dream. The economic argument for legalization has been, imo, effectively subverted. cn


Active Member
There was a time a few years ago I sat in on a growers meeting where a lawyer was setting up a collective. I wanted to upgrade my space because I have the time and money to invest. In the end I decided to pass on that money making possibility. When I realized how much work and money I'd be putting in the return just was not worth it.

I went ahead an invested blood, sweat, tears, and dough. Now I'm able to grow enough for my wife and I and don't have to pay the high prices at the dispensaries.

We save about 26 grand a year - If I had to pay for it at dispensary prices, I'd be in more pain as I couldn't afford to buy half that much!


Well-Known Member
well, I'm posting this because I was one of those growers who was convinced just because I grow high grade bud and live in a nice patch of land I had a shot at doing something with true cannabis legalization, as a business.

all I can say is that I've changed my mind. the market isn't turning into what I thought it would, people want the cheapest bud, the highest quality, and really don't give a fuck where it was grown from, how it was bred, or any of the details I thought truly mattered. its all about getting high to this consumer. not to mention there are over 10,000 strains, less then 10% of them are truly unique. which is why a grower like me will never be able to be anything more than a hobbyist.

so I was wondering if any growers like myself had initially thought they could start a business then eventually realized they'd be better off doing this as a hobby instead.

anyone other growers out there come to this same conclusion?
part time job is more like what ive come to the conclusion off, if i can supply me and pay the rent only a month then im good, keep my grow space small, plants small and numbers down under 60 thats pretty much how ive come to do it. ive had my hand at large grow and ther is money to be made, but worth all the headache? not till some real legalization shit happens. i cant stand this "medical" farce but ehh, whatever it takes to get it legalized for everyone.


Well-Known Member
i think another issue is us true stoner growers really cant match those sober go getti ng entrapeneurs. when you compare the average stoner grower vs a sober business man grower the difference is remarkable.

Dice Clay

Active Member
I don't know where you are quoting your prices from, but in my state the dispensary prices are from 325-375 an ounce... which I find laughable. How can you legalize something for medicinal use and then allow people to continue to charge black market prices... this is only bringing the criminals to the fore front of the MM movement... I wish other people would see this as well. If you go into this looking for profit.. you are fucking us all in the ass.


Active Member
I don't know where you are quoting your prices from, but in my state the dispensary prices are from 325-375 an ounce... which I find laughable. How can you legalize something for medicinal use and then allow people to continue to charge black market prices... this is only bringing the criminals to the fore front of the MM movement... I wish other people would see this as well. If you go into this looking for profit.. you are fucking us all in the ass.
I know right? It's the same in British Columbia, Canada. 10$ a gram.. No break for buying an eighth or a quarter and so on.. 10$ a gram or 280$ an ounce... who wouldn't rather go to a friend and get an oscar for 180 - 220 makes no sence what so ever.


Well-Known Member
well, I'm posting this because I was one of those growers who was convinced just because I grow high grade bud and live in a nice patch of land I had a shot at doing something with true cannabis legalization, as a business.

all I can say is that I've changed my mind. the market isn't turning into what I thought it would, people want the cheapest bud, the highest quality, and really don't give a fuck where it was grown from, how it was bred, or any of the details I thought truly mattered. its all about getting high to this consumer. not to mention there are over 10,000 strains, less then 10% of them are truly unique. which is why a grower like me will never be able to be anything more than a hobbyist.

so I was wondering if any growers like myself had initially thought they could start a business then eventually realized they'd be better off doing this as a hobby instead.

anyone other growers out there come to this same conclusion?
I would just like to say that our thoughts are perfectly congruent on this matter. I never meant to turn my growing into a business; my erk comes from distribution among a circle of friends and family

nothing is more aggravating to me than the blank stares I get when I explain the characteristics of the nice organic bud I am handing the person

I don't even care about the money. It's the fact that 90% of people smoking weed have absolutely no reverence for it whatsoever.

But I think that's just the type. 90% of the world doesn't give a fuck about the little details.

oh... let's not forget that one fucking line.... "IS IT KUSH!?"



Well-Known Member
i blame alcohol and cigarettes

guzzling rot, inhaling a chemical cocktail... bound to influence a person's perspective on what they are consuming

they have proven they don't give a fuck about what goes down their gullet

and constant ethanol abuse, by its nature, further reinforces this mentality


Well-Known Member
I dont see medical mmj as being legal anywhere in the US. How can it be legal when the feds can come in at any time and wreak havoc on the dispensarys or the suppliers..what we have is the preception of legality. True legalization is just what it means. Which means the federal government has to be on board not just the state...No Grey areas
I'll continue to do what I do knowing that ALL law enforcement is out to get me not just part of grey areas there
Waiting on true legalization in NC


Well-Known Member
Regarding customers just wanting to get high versus being connoisseurs, that type of thing is true in most everything, and there will always be a market for both.

Example, Budweiser is mass produced and they make lots of money, but no one can say its high quality beer. But it will get you drunk. But there also will always be a market for imports, microbrews too for the more discerning drinkers


Well-Known Member
I dont see medical mmj as being legal anywhere in the US. How can it be legal when the feds can come in at any time and wreak havoc on the dispensarys or the suppliers..what we have is the preception of legality. True legalization is just what it means. Which means the federal government has to be on board not just the state...No Grey areas
I'll continue to do what I do knowing that ALL law enforcement is out to get me not just part of grey areas there
Waiting on true legalization in NC
dude be ready to vote, NC passed allot of shit to make way for one or more issues to get pot allowed in the state along with hemp. your close very very close to having it there. im more interested in the hemp. once anything is grown in NC you cant kill it at all. its near impossible because of the weather there. most of your year is pretty hot so growing is very good in your area.