anyone ever black out from weed? embarassing stories


Well-Known Member
I've got some Jack Herer.. And I must say it is some of the strongest bud I've ever smoked.. I smoked a full joint with one other person, maybe a little over a gram.. I then went out to eat and completley blacked out.. I got up to go to the bathroom and couldnt find it for about 10 minutes, i was walking in circles, all of the sudden I find my self walking in the restaurant kitchen and run into a female employee.. She say "Hey whats going on" or something.. ANd i SAY "HEYYY HOW ARE YOU HOW YOU BEEN" then went to go kiss her thinking i knew her(a friendly hello kiss).. Turns out I didnt know her from a hole in a wall.. I was just so stoned that i thought she looked familiar..Then shes says "Are you looking for something" and i tell her the bathroom and she shows me the way.. it took about 10 minutes to figure out what really happened.. it was very embarassing the whole staff thought i was some kind of nutjob

I've been smoking for well over 15 years and I have never had an experience similar to this..

ANyone else have any fucked up stories like this? I hope im not the only one


Well-Known Member
im wondering if it was something other than THC causing the effect.. or maybe its just some real trippy pot.. im hoping i didnt get something laced..


Well-Known Member
Jack Herer is pretty intense, but usually that because of low blood sugar, and marijuana lowers your blood sugar. Just eat before you smoke, it keeps the munchies away as well.


Well-Known Member
im wondering if it was something other than THC causing the effect.. or maybe its just some real trippy pot.. im hoping i didnt get something laced..

i've been smoking this warlock. it has the same effect on me. i get all spaced out in the store or what-ever. i get that weird look from others.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yea.. I did not eat all day since I was going to a nice restaurant with large servings.. By the time I got there I was starved and smoked more than normal on purpose for increased appetite.. Usually I'll smoke 1/4 joint at a time tops if that, however ive smoked much more in the past and this has never happened

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
Some really head rushy weed sometimes makes me almost go down for the count, peripheral vision closes in, and I see like little "fire flies" floating around in the air.

My buddy has actually dropped out twice.

One time he was driving and we were smoking.. he takes a hit then yells out this hilarious sound like " ARRREERRRRGGGGEEEERRRRRAAHHH " which just made me laugh. He passes out and veers into the ditch and I'm like - WTF dude? He goes "why didn't you grab the wheel when I told you to?"

Still to this day he doesn't beleive me, he swears he yelled out grab the wheel.

Another time we were taking some gravity hits in his living room with a 5 gallon bucket of water... He passed out, grabbed the bucket and knocked it all over the floor and racked his head on the coffee table.

That was fucking hilarious, a huge mess but funnier than fuck none the less.

When he woke up all fucking soaked and disoriented I laughed so hard tears came.

I have been close - but never down for the count.



Well-Known Member
This happened to me at the marijuana march in Toronto I stood up and everything went black and i fell down good thing there was a tree behind me, I also blacked out but didnt faint when i smoked .2grams of Maui Waui Bubble hash and then ate half a space bar after.

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
I was smoking a blunt between 2 friends,
i was so high we didnt finish half the blunt.
Afterwards i couldn't move an fell in the mud
then they had to walk half way to show me how to get to my house.
I walked for good lord knows how long in a black neighborhood
nonetheless someone i did not know just gave me a ride home.


Well-Known Member
hahah i member on 420 me n my friends all got together wit r best buds, n r best smoking devices!! haha lol..well we had a 6 ft that took out sum dude..passed out rite once he cleared it.. frikkiin funny. then the volcano got almost every1.. they just walking in the house..hitting shit..walking into walls n floors n doors..haha but the few strong n proud stood out..which was like me n 3 then we moved onto the douple perculator n it was good..but then i hit it .. i fliped out ran out the back door n threw my stash think the 5-0 was coming..i hid in the doghouse..haha lol..funny but i dint pass out like evey1

Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
I walked for good lord knows how long in a black neighborhood

:roll:anyway I was chilling with some friends of a friend and they roll this HUGE blunt of just beaster buds lined up in a paper, rolled with a thin twig to keep it sturdy, then wrapped with honey and sparked. We went to this wall behind a local college and smoked it... I don't remember getting off the wall. i was just suddenly closing the door to the car and walking toward a festival. Then I opened my eyes again and was sitting at a park bench in the MIDDLE of the festival. When i walked home later i kept veering right uncontrollably. toasted.


Well-Known Member
happened to me the first time i smoked. probably smoked a 1/4 of some hippie shit my first time with my girl at the time and her friend. they kept making me smoke and smoke and smoke. i passed the fuck out in the back seat of the car during the fatty cruise. woke up in the driveway of a friend of ours whose mom was a cop. i had to pretend i was sick so she wouldn't get suspicious. then later on in the evening walking to our friends graduation, i tried to take off my boots but couldn't figure out how to get them off. during the ceremony i kept passing out and waking up being like "god, isn't this fucking thing over with?" in the top row of the bleachers. ahhhh......goood times


Well-Known Member
I had a problem where i couldnt get up a hill. I would start walking up it and wake up at the bottom. I was so stoned. Someone said it has to do with low sugar and i agree its either sugar or blood pressure.


Active Member
Only thing that happened to me is that I smoked a bowl or 2, then ate a bunch of crippling cookies.. I was WORTHLESS! I couldnt stand, and whenever I did I felt gravity pulling me back down and I needed to sit down otherwise I would fall..


One time he was driving and we were smoking.. he takes a hit then yells out this hilarious sound like " ARRREERRRRGGGGEEEERRRRRAAHHH " which just made me laugh. He passes out and veers into the ditch and I'm like - WTF dude? He goes "why didn't you grab the wheel when I told you to?"

Still to this day he doesn't beleive me, he swears he yelled out grab the wheel.
My god this made me laugh so hard reading it, awesome!


Active Member
The first time I smoked in Canada I didn't black out but when I tried to leave the hotel I was staying at I couldn't get the revolving door to spin and let me out.I thought it was one of those doors that work by lifting your feet so I was stuck in the door shouting to my friends that the door was stuck while marching in place. I was insistent that the door was stuck and for them to call for help. They're like PUSH THE DOOR RENNOB!!! Good times :)