Anyone ever grow any of barneys farm Utopia haze?

I'm looking for specifics on it, i'm doing a closet grow, just one single plant, but i want it to be the best it can be. I'm growing in a roof closet where there is a downward slant, but as long as its under 4 feet it should be fine. how does a hanging 85watt (MH for sprouting, HPS for flowering) light sound? on top of that, im going to put a 40 watt bulb in an adjustable desk lamp light on the floor, pointing at the plant to hit all the lower flowers, and make sure they develop (I will rotate this light around the plant a few times during flowering). Does this seem like enough light to grow it? and by that i mean grow it well.

also, i was hoping someone who has grown some Utopia, or has extensive knowledge of growing could recommend a soil mix to me. I live in new york, no black gold shipping here :( and how about some fox farm trio for nutrients?

Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
I just started some utopia haze from Attitude. It's feminized but the leaves are really fat, like how an indica would form. So far my best girl outta the bunch. That promo last month from attitude was awesome :D