Anyone heard about 2cB

what a great thread, haaha.

Moral of the story. Dont believe everything you see or read on the internet and t.v programs. Go to the source and studies yourself :D
lol if that was the case that you could tirp that easily....then peoplw ould be eating moldy bread all the fucking time and tripping ( even if it was making them sick ) it would still be an activity that people would do....but they dont because t doesnt haha

crazy thread and ganja im reading that now pretty interesting good one

Ergot make LSA not LSD to make lsd, it has to be engineerd.but you need lsa to make lsd!


Active Member
2c-b is supposed to be the closest out of the 2c-x's to mescaline. Actually is supposed to be pretty identical except for the duration is shorter.

Yo llama boy, go ask Duane or one of his misfits for sum RC's. And BTW the best way to take these if you dont like needles it to stick em up your ass. Try it out , but it only works with chems not weed. lol.


Active Member
Lmao style.. HAha You cant do anything else besides needles or anally introducing them lmao?
Nope, no needle or anal action over here. I was only suggesting it to you because most llamas I met liked to shoot drugs or put em up their arse.

You should know the guy I was referring to so go ask him how its done. watch out for sean....he'll rip ya off to get a lil smack.


New Member
2c-b is supposed to be the closest out of the 2c-x's to mescaline. Actually is supposed to be pretty identical except for the duration is shorter.

Yo llama boy, go ask Duane or one of his misfits for sum RC's. And BTW the best way to take these if you dont like needles it to stick em up your ass. Try it out , but it only works with chems not weed. lol.
2C-B's Chemical Structure Is Somewhat Held In Mescaline; But I Find The Effects To Be Like Shrooms Or Acid With MDMA. Not Really Close To Mescaline. bongsmilie


New Member
LSD Is Semi-Synthetic. Ergot Is Natural. Do The Math.

This Will PERFECTLY Explain It All.
ur wrong. Hoffman initially extracted it from rye ergot. at least that's what was reported.

not that it really matters, when we do it these days it is manufactured. either way, arsenic and datura are natural too. doesn't mean much.

this just looks fun~about the first real acid trip

WHOOOOOPs that's a dramatization, still fun though so i'll leave it. My son was born on bicycle day~so even though I haven't taken acid for 10 years, it's still a celebration.


New Member
ur wrong. Hoffman initially extracted it from rye ergot. at least that's what was reported.

not that it really matters, when we do it these days it is manufactured. either way, arsenic and datura are natural too. doesn't mean much.

this just looks fun~about the first real acid trip

WHOOOOOPs that's a dramatization, still fun though so i'll leave it. My son was born on bicycle day~so even though I haven't taken acid for 10 years, it's still a celebration.

What You Mean By Wrong? Just Wondering.


New Member
WTF? I Really Hope You Don't Mean LSD Is Natural Pinkus. I Thought You Were Smarter Than That. Ergot Is Natural LSA And The Ergolines Are Natural. You Can't Seriously Mean LSD Is Natural, Dude.


New Member
WTF? I Really Hope You Don't Mean LSD Is Natural Pinkus. I Thought You Were Smarter Than That. Ergot Is Natural LSA And The Ergolines Are Natural. You Can't Seriously Mean LSD Is Natural, Dude.
read the account. again, coulda said it I'll be doomed to search for the account. :roll:

you really need to try not to question someones intelligence just because they don't agree with you. I know you are generally helpful here. :mrgreen:

I gotta ask, You are under 25, right?


New Member
from the net stuff I can find about hoffman's trip it says you're right. But none of them are the original account.

I am very possibly wrong. here is some stuff I did find that relates to the idea that it is a naturally occurring substance.

you are just as stoked about ALL psychedelics as I was before I was twenty five. I'm 45 now, and I'll probably only trip 1-4 times this year. pre-25 I was a weekly user. not better, not worse, just less focused on experimentation. Of course, I am preparing to extract some DMT pretty soon....:eyesmoke: could just be fooling myself.