Anyone know how to make a homemade whip for a box style vaporite solo

This is kind of the right place for this since its a tool for medicating, so if anyone has done this could they lend a helping hand and show me the way:hump:

kush fario

Well-Known Member
i dont know how to make one but you can buy a new one at most smokeshops for around 20 bucks for the one with just a bubble and more pricy the better they get like with a perc or desighn


Active Member
you can get just a whip for about $10 online, I'm not smart enough to make my own, even if i could its so cheap that i would just buy it. if you really want and awesome whip i have this one and its tits.

Seriously its the most amazing whip ever, you can take the top part off and blow through the screen and have a 100% clean screen to vape through.