Anyone on Rollitup have Coronavirus?


Well-Known Member
One of my best friends is infected with the virus, he was DJing large events last week before his symptoms showed up and gradually got worse. His doc is considering admitting him if his symptoms progress any further. Yikes. He bedridden at the moment and stated that it is not fun, but he is fully confident he'll beat it. His spirits are still good, and he's still funny as fuck. RIP, dude. It's been real...


Well-Known Member
some rich people staying on a fancy wine estate got infected by foreign visitors...
The biggest vector so far has been people who can afford to travel
Right now when the economy tanking is where we should toss in some socialism. We could really stick it to every corporation at once if we forced health care onto society as opposed to a personal issue. Lets crumble them all the way back into the dirt by making them pay all of our healthcare while they are losing revenue and laying off employees to pay for our healthcare. We should really use every opportunity to make this a wasteland we possibly can.


Well-Known Member
Corona and Pacifico both taste fine to me without it but taste good with it too. I just love lime. However Mango Cart is like drinking liquid mangos.
Those are decent beers but Fosters is a hoarders delight.
Nice big cans, (easy to re-cycle), good price & easy to store (relatively small footprint)
Picking up 3 cases now as a matter of fact which along with 3 jugs of Jameson will do me for a month. (we shall see what kill's me 1st, my liver or COVID-19 :) )



Well-Known Member
Unless you have an underlying illness or are the front lines and take a snoot load full of virus we shall motor along like always or so I believe.
64 years old with COPD.
I feel like I'm a poster child for the Walking Dead :(
I'm surrounded by this shit to boot where I live (we all are though)
I'm never going to survive if I get it, and it's inevitable that I will it seems.
Very strange feeling, I must say


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
64 years old with COPD.
I feel like I'm a poster child for the Walking Dead :(
I'm surrounded by this shit to boot where I live (we all are though)
I'm never going to survive if I get it, and it's inevitable that I will it seems.
Very strange feeling, I must say
Yes it does feel like the world has gone topsy. I hope you come out OK.
I hope we'll see lower mortality rates from A&B influenza strains due to everyone's awareness and improved hygiene practices, especially among our older population.
We can certainly hope that is true.