I ordered from them twice in the past month and received my seeds both times within a week. They had a good special last week for 4/20 and I just got them today. My first order I did the DVD case option. Its suppose to protect them in shipping so they don't get crushed. I don't think you really need it though. Don't want to go into too many details but the envelopes are pretty well protected. Don't worry they are legit. From my order from a month ago I germed 7 seeds and all 7 germed. 2 of the 7 weren't looking too good so I pulled them like a week ago. That wasn't their fault though. Could have been my fault or could just be the strain.
They come labeled. Like if you order 5 different pick and mix they will come in 5 separate little baggies that are clearly labeled. If you order a pack of 5 all 5 will come in one baggie that is also clearly labeled. Don't worry you'll know what's what.
If I could give you a bit of advice, order more than you think you will need. If you order a pack of 10 regular, a good rule of thumb is only expect 8 of the 10 to germ. Of the 8 that germ expect only 6 to be strong and survive. Of the 6 that survive, expect half to be male. That leaves you with 3 females. This isn't always the case, but I think it is a good rule to follow.