Anyone see wny issues here she been really droopy lately

go go kid

Well-Known Member
also it could be slight over watering, but looking at your dry pots i dont think thats the issue


Active Member
do they look like that all the time or do they start to do it at night time?
Thes rest of them are ok looking, the one In middle has been looking like that (droopy) since like mid day yesterday to now. She’s gotten bigger so idk if it’s weight. Also she coming up on being ready to get some water but usally she doesn’t do this when it’s about to be water time

go go kid

Well-Known Member
if you have 1 1/2 inch dry soil i would water them, having said that, what medium are you growing in?


Active Member
This one is in FFOC and coco mix.. it was in mirical grow when it first got planted in 9-23. I moved it to this mix 10-3 and gave her a water. then waterd again 10-7 with nutes.. and I haven’t touch it since

go go kid

Well-Known Member
i reckon its just the weight of the leaf, i dont think i wouldstress over it unless it starts to droop or wilt or starts changing colour


Active Member
Yea she had huge leaves and she’s only in a 1 gallong fabric pot should I prop her leaves up? Or just leave her b