anyone watch MSNBC tonight?


Well-Known Member
i took my first puff of kb when i was like 12, i only had maybe from age 12-17 2grams total. not much,i didnt want to puff then,now i can smoke alot if i want and my mind takes flight,i got a 4.0last semester in college, but now im a 2x college dropout:mrgreen::eyesmoke: ill prob go back,but im movin soon and this way i dont have to worry about payin them. shit went down and i had to drop out. so im gona blaze alot till shit straighens back out. i got the 4 while smokin almost every night.

but like u said,it alters ones perceptions,thats why there are so many burnouts who want pot legal so they can continue with there messed up life without realizin what happened. i got this "homie" who smokes drinks and pops pills nonstop, when i see him i say to myself,can you do something better with your life. he claims his life is terrible and just wants pot to be legal so he can remain in the altered state of mind and not come to the conclusion of reality is a cold mistris. do it right and your mind will take flight. it expands ones concious and you see shit beyond imagination