

Hey as far as I could tell SWIM was appropriate, but definitely won't be using it on this forum anymore. Anyway, yeah I've got a scale to measure it out, probably just going to hack at it with a blade tonight. Thanks for the replies
its not so much as swim is appropriate or inappropriate, its more the fact that is a relativley useless term that is used by people when it comes to trying to say they are or are not doing something, what people dont realize is the term 'SWIM' is not an accepted term in the eyes of the law or by i'd imagine most if not all judges, therefore there is null reason to use the term because if you were being prosecuted for something you said on the internet or the content you put on the internet, using the term SWIM will not save you, it will not make or break the case and it will not help you. therefore there is no reason to use the term SWIM, because, well its a myth...people first started using the term thinking they could get away with admitting to illegal activities and as long as it was a 'friend' you were no longer incriminating yourself, but sadly if LE agency is busting you or charging you or taking you to court for somethin you said on a forum, then they already have pretty much all the info they need to get a guilty verdict, because while they would read your post they would do something much more important and relatively easy especially on forums, they would get your IP, contact your ISP to shut you down and then prob. come arrest your ass, so you see...there is just no point to swim because it doesnt protect against the original reason it was created, therefore becoming as i said before 'useless'

ps. i dont agree with LE being able to arrest you for positng something on a forum, pretty much because unless they have a time stamped picture of you making the post or something like that, there is really no 100 percent way to prove you did it, they could get ip and your home address, but they cant know for sure if your the one who sat down at that computer and typed those words, and in america, you need to prove BEYOND a reasonable doubt that the person is guilty, and its just impossible to do that unless like i said they had real solid evidence connecting you to typing it, cause for all you or they know someone stole your laptop and typed that shit..i dont know im digressing and rambling at this point, good luck with your super mario mushroom cloud fucking mindblow powder, open your mind, relax and dont be scared if its your first time, its natural to see aliens and NES zelda dragons. just remmeber if it gets to intense, it will pass just close your eyes and lay down. do NOT smoke more than 1 big hit or 2 very small ones, 1 good hit and you blast off before you blow the smoke out, speaking in tongues and shit to people and objects and actually know what your saying, although none of it is in english, haha good luck:peace:


Active Member
Haha exactly, just like these people that have retarded signatures saying shit like everything I say is a lie or fictional blah blah


Well-Known Member
Someone Who Is Me, but I'm too much of a pussy to admit it openly... is basically all I read when I see SWIM