Aphids! high quality pics included!


Hello everyone

Some of you might remember my post about spider mites. Well I think I have got it right this time and it turns out it is APHIDS not spider mites.

My leaves have like white spots over them and some are suffering more than others.

I have managed to get 300x pics of the insects.

On the first picture you can see them at 40x zoom. There also appears to be 2 other insects right on the leaf edge on the right.

The first pic is of the actual aphid and the other pic is of the 2 insect things on the right of the leaf edge which could also be aphids but am not sure.

What do you think the other insect on the edge is?

Also what can I do now for Aphids?

As you might be aware I should be harvesting now for a few of the plants and for the others I am about 5 weeks in.

What can I do that wont ruin the harvest? I will harvest as late as possible if needed just to have uncontaminated plants and a good harvest even if I am severly couchlocked.

Thank you



Well-Known Member
Dip them in a 1.5% solution of Take Down! They'll die for sure. Just make sure to hit them again in 3-4 days if/when any eggs have hatched. This should not be too tough. Fuck them up! Fuck their families up! Good luck.


Well-Known Member
That is an aphid (the orange one). The other is def not an insect; It's some kind of arachnid; maybe a spider mite, but not the red ones that many fear (looks like a spruce mite actually -- do you live near a bunch of conifer trees?)


Well-Known Member
Every time I step into my garden, I hear little screams of "Allah Akbar!" coming from the grass and leaves. I'm all to familiar with these, "Aphids." Terror bugs more like it. I've done fly by assaults, spraying pesticides and organacides. I've laid down perimeter "beneficial plants" like carrots and pepper. All they do is hide in the roots and wait till the sun sets before launching their attacks. But I've gotten smart to their ways.

You see, poisons can be unpredictable and I've learned to avoid using them. I call them the atomic weapons approch. Keep them in supply, but if you can catch things early, you'd be amazed at how effect an ice cold watery spray down can be. Pick up one of those 1-2 gallon spray containers. Fill it with really cold water. Drop a few ice cubes. Then add a few drops of soap and give it a good shake. Then when your ready, get up extra early and go crazy. Spray bottom to top. Focus on the undersides then as you come down get the top of the leaves.

While they're regrouping. Do like McChrystal and order some reinforcement troops. I went to OSH and picked up 1,500 Lady (Little Aphid Destroying Yankees) Bugs for $7 and some change. For an outside grow, and dollar for dollar, these patriots kick ass. Now the battle won't be over in a day. Its gonna be tough. And eventually, some of those Aphids your just going to have to accept as part of the local community. But with proper reinforcements, order will be maintained.

Now you might be thinking, "But Vindicated... I grow indoors and if I introduce bugs inside the house my wife is gonna wage war on me." In that case you'll need to work a little harder and invest a little more money. Go on the offensive multiple times a week with ice water attacks. Then lay down some dry soil & sprinkle some Diatomaceous Earth. This is like covering the ground with land mines and glass shards. As soon as any of the bugs touch this stuff, its like "stab! stab!"

Here a link for ya.. good luck. http://www.gardeners.com/Easy-Organics/EasyOrganics_Cat,default,sc.html


Thanks for the replies guys

I just spoke to someone who is a natural grower and he has told me about a homeopathic remedy which is basically a medicine in homeopathy that can be put into water has no smells or anything and will get rid of the bastards. He says the medicine is made from crushed lady bugs. So this will be good to see :)

But I am going to try the water method and spray the cunts off

If that doesnt work I will then resort to the take down if that doesnt work Ill set up one night where everyone pays like £50 and gets to sit in the room while I set the whole lot on fire, well probably die from the bugs fumes but at least they will die first :)

ur right about the wife waging war vindicated!


Well-Known Member
Dude, don't crush the lady bugs. That's like letting a skunk spray your plants. When a predator like a bird tries to eat the lady bug, part of their defense is they turtle their legs into their shell and sweat out blood. The blood has a chemical that makes it smell (and I would assume taste) rancid. Plus. you kinda want to keep the lady bugs in the yard. IF you want to make your own pesticide. use virgin olive oil, tabasco sauce, garlic, alcohol, and soap. There are tons of recipes, but those are those are the typical bases. Olive oil (or any oil) suffocates them. Spices and alcohol burn them. Lady bug guts, i dunno I guess if your into voodoo shit.
I just had root aphids along with alot of other stuff look at my pics. The best and fastest results for me was Azamax. It said it takes 2 to 3 days but you will see dead within 24 hrs. Just dont use as foilage spray on flowers, just stems and med. I have posted what I know in my profile. I wouldnt use it full strength and would apply again in 5days. Best of luck I have aero system and lost about 70% of plants due to chemicals and root rot from bugs & due to washing them in cold water. The water only knocks them out they come back after they warm up trust me.
Hello everyone

Some of you might remember my post about spider mites. Well I think I have got it right this time and it turns out it is APHIDS not spider mites.

My leaves have like white spots over them and some are suffering more than others.

I have managed to get 300x pics of the insects.

On the first picture you can see them at 40x zoom. There also appears to be 2 other insects right on the leaf edge on the right.

The first pic is of the actual aphid and the other pic is of the 2 insect things on the right of the leaf edge which could also be aphids but am not sure.

What do you think the other insect on the edge is?

Also what can I do now for Aphids?

As you might be aware I should be harvesting now for a few of the plants and for the others I am about 5 weeks in.

What can I do that wont ruin the harvest? I will harvest as late as possible if needed just to have uncontaminated plants and a good harvest even if I am severly couchlocked.

Thank you