Apparatus Among Us


Well-Known Member
So I occasionally get bored of how I smoke weed. Meaning, I'm tired of just hitting my pipe. When this happens I try and think of different ways to smoke for example apples, gravity bongs, waterfall bongs, waterfall/filter bong hybrids, steam rollers and shit like this. Shit one time I even rolled a tin foil pipe just to spice things up.
So I was just wondering what are some crazy unique strange awesome easy or complicated things you did just to get high


Active Member
well one time i did take a tail pipe from a car and made a bong with it. and the fucked up thing is, i cant even remember how i did it i was tore down, just broke out my welder and started doing shit. i probably couldnt do it again, but it was an odd looking piece of art but unique and good to have hehe.


get a big enough garbage can take a lid, piece of wood, or what have you and cut a whole in the top just big enough for your head to fit in. literally fill that bitch with so much smoke u cant see the bottom. i think my buddy put some water mixed with clorox in the bottom to keep the smoke close to the bottom and not come out. i dont know but when its filled stick your head in it cut a tube hole suck in as much as u can and keep on put a tube big enough to blow out of hit blow smoke out until it is all gone, its quite a head rush. lol kind of stupid though but thats just one crazy idea.


Well-Known Member
I would rather not get high than stick my head in a bleach filled can... wtf?

Anyways... try rolling up a fat cone joint. Nothing can be as appreciated as a really well rolled joint


Well-Known Member
i can roll a good ass joint
but idk how to roll the cones
i know you can buy them but there is no where around here that sell them


Well-Known Member
psh dont buy a cone, make it your project to learn how to roll one. fancy joints are the greatest, and cones really arent very fancy. now tulip joints are fancy