aquafarm mods

Hi fellow riu users.
As the title says really. I rarely ask for help on here as i've learned reading is the best way to educate yourself, But I'll be fucked if I can work this out on my own. I'm currently running a diy ebb and flow system with good results but I'm looking to get my plant numbers down and want to grow a single tree with 2 600 w vertical hps bulbs. I want to grow it in a recirculating aquafarm but can't seem to find a decent tutorial how to mod it Heath style. I don't need any pics just a decent written well detailed tut. If anybody could point me in the right direction of finding a tut or would be willing to post 1 up in this thread I would be eternally grateful. I've used google til i'm blue in the face and my keyboard is starting to feel my frustration now. Please be aware I'm in UK and therefore all materials would have to be available in UK. I have a 90 litre res and a mj100 pump and a decent airpump and stone. I'm willing to buy an aquafarm to mod but i'm also willing to start from scratch.

Many thanks in advance
regards K S
Ok then 99 views and no replies. No worries it seems alot of you are looking for the same answers as me to no avail. well i just found a great thread over at icm (heaths latest tree grow) page 8 has all diagrams and everything else you could ever wish for.

Good luck K S


Active Member
2 aquafarms linked with 40mm tank connectors to external res, MJ1000 in external res to chiller, from chiller to hose splitter t piece then into each aquafarm just below inner bucket height, header tank to refil external res as levels drop, 4 weeks veg from established cutting under 2 600 lights, 8 week flower using genesis 3 part formula = 18-22 oz per plant average. Easy set up and maintainance and great results. Need any info just ask I'll be happy to explain further. Good luck