AR-15 stands for assault rifle 15

Ideally, you want to conceal carry with small frame .. like a Glock 43 ,9mm with Critical Defense rounds. You’ll only have to buy one box for your lifetime. Otherwise, empty your CD rounds for ball ammo practice. The Sig P365 Macro is another great carry weapon that’s not heavy as fuck.

A hammerless (or shrouded hammer) .38 snubbie in your windbreaker pocket- you don't even have to take it out to shoot it

don't you watch movies?
Would this constitute muzzle sweeping? It can get you five years here.

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That last cup o’ coffee’s not gettin’ away THIS TIME….
(seriously, how fragile *is* this guy? He’d be dead before he picked which rod to pull, if it came to that)

guessing he has flashy-sounding names for all his postures, too, & he shouts them out loud before doing anything (like, getting into one). In German, for maximum confusion.
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Ideally, you want to conceal carry with small frame .. like a Glock 43 ,9mm with Critical Defense rounds. You’ll only have to buy one box for your lifetime. Otherwise, empty your CD rounds for ball ammo practice. The Sig P365 Macro is another great carry weapon that’s not heavy as fuck.
I have heard from a few people that it's a good idea to carry whatever your local law enforcement carries. I would never carry something like RIP or Extreme Penetrators, that's just asking for a civil lawsuit even if you legally defended yourself.
I have heard from a few people that it's a good idea to carry whatever your local law enforcement carries. I would never carry something like RIP or Extreme Penetrators, that's just asking for a civil lawsuit even if you legally defended yourself.
Umm.. as far as the round?.. you want the best knock down power you can get for that caliber. The only way Critical Defense gets away with hollow points, is that they fill the tip with polymer.. problem solved…. It’s no longer hollow.
I have heard from a few people that it's a good idea to carry whatever your local law enforcement carries. I would never carry something like RIP or Extreme Penetrators, that's just asking for a civil lawsuit even if you legally defended yourself.
And so you live in the US?… you can legally load your weapon with any round available.. no matter the tip. Only tipping point is full auto.. and that’s only $200 tax and registration with the ATF.

Unfortunately, that’s not gonna solve the problem. Every legal, law abiding citizen can turn in thier guns, and this shit is still gonna happen,… only difference is, you’ll be unarmed.
yeah, but then the cops can just start shooting anyone who pulls a gun, fair game...those guns will get off the street pretty quick.
it's all part of a multi point program. no more person to person sales at gun shows, or anywhere else. you have to register all your weapons. everyone does. you cannot buy ammunition in a caliber you do not have a registered weapon in. no magazines available that hold more than 5 rounds. no more "constitutional carry", you have to have a reason to get a permit, and feelings of inadequacy is not a valid reason. rigorous background checks, anyone with a history of mental illness, violent crime, domestic abuse, not getting a gun. anyone caught selling modified weapons, or parts to modify weapons, given a lengthy sentence and a whopping fine. after a couple of years of that, weapons on the street will be a lot fewer and further between, and a lot more expensive.
I never understood the mentality of only police should be able to carry effective weapons for self defense. Some people want to limit law abiding citizens' options for self defence to a pointy stick, 911 call and a prayer. After you call 911 the man is gonna show up with a double stack semi pistol anyway.
So, if you believe it's perfectly fine to call another man to handle your personal bussiness....doesn't that essentially make you a cuk? :P

Is that really necessary?
i don't really want anything removed, but people cannot act like fucking adults, or even sane children, so whatever has to be done to keep the fucking psychos in check is what has to be done.
i enjoy shooting, i have a shotgun, a rifle, and 3 pistols. i don't WANT to give any of them up, but if that is what it takes to keep kids from being murdered by crazy fuckers, then i'll give them up, because children's lives are more important than the enjoyment i get from target shooting.
So you’d give up a hobby to save a kid. That’s not very American of you Rodger.
So you’d give up a hobby to save a kid. That’s not very American of you Rodger.

Sort of a false equivalency thing.
While it might be hard for Roger to do, if he gave up masturbation, it wouldn't prevent other people from getting a sore wrist.

Also "Roger" doesn't have a "D" in it.

I never understood the mentality of only police should be able to carry effective weapons for self defense. Some people want to limit law abiding citizens' options for self defence to a pointy stick, 911 call and a prayer. After you call 911 the man is gonna show up with a double stack semi pistol anyway.
So, if you believe it's perfectly fine to call another man to handle your personal bussiness....doesn't that essentially make you a cuk? :P
i'm willing to give up my guns for the safety of children, and innocent people...if you think that makes me a cuk, come pull your old lady off of my dick, asshole...and talk some shit to me while you're trying to pull her off...
going to stupid ignorant asshole insults gets you here...and being here accomplishes fuck all.
you say if i give up my guns, i'm less than a man...i say if you aren't willing to give them up to protect childrens lives, then you never were a man, and probably never will be.
So you’d give up a hobby to save a kid. That’s not very American of you Rodger.
thank you...nicest thing you've ever said to me...if you have to own an assault rifle to be an American, i'll come talk to you about immigration.
funny thing is, i actually own a 9mm hi-point's a lot of fun to shoot, but to be honest with you, it's a piece of shit for home defense...i have 2 9mm pistols that are a lot easier to maneuver with, and a 20 gauge shotgun, that is a superior home defense weapon as well, loaded with bird shot it will cut anyone in my house in half, without reaching my next door neighbors if i happen to miss...
In Japan, the majority are educated and parents are involved with their kids. A culture based on respect.

No guns, we saw what happens, the bad guys find a way, homemade gun was used in Japan.

In America there are so many guns if civilians give up theirs then only the bad guys will have them and that's no good.

Say you are home having dinner with your family and discussing how you gave up your guns and the world is a safe happy place...then someone kicks your door in with a gun and proceeds to fuck your kids in front of you...would you then wish you had a gun?

The Jewish folks were forced to give up their guns, how'd that work out for them??

What we need is education. We need to get kids off the streets, we need to fix poverty, we need to pay attention to our kids, know where they are, what they are posting on social media. We need to get assholes like the mayor of Chicago out of office and elect rational people. We need to not ignore the signs of disturbed youth like what happened at the parade, lots of warning signs there. So many things to do but so few who even care to do them. People have become so lazy and self entitled and society is paying for it.

I don't do politics but the idiot points of view in this thread have zero bearing on reality.

Have at it trolls...
In Japan, the majority are educated and parents are involved with their kids. A culture based on respect.

No guns, we saw what happens, the bad guys find a way, homemade gun was used in Japan.

In America there are so many guns if civilians give up theirs then only the bad guys will have them and that's no good.

Say you are home having dinner with your family and discussing how you gave up your guns and the world is a safe happy place...then someone kicks your door in with a gun and proceeds to fuck your kids in front of you...would you then wish you had a gun?

The Jewish folks were forced to give up their guns, how'd that work out for them??

What we need is education. We need to get kids off the streets, we need to fix poverty, we need to pay attention to our kids, know where they are, what they are posting on social media. We need to get assholes like the mayor of Chicago out of office and elect rational people. We need to not ignore the signs of disturbed youth like what happened at the parade, lots of warning signs there. So many things to do but so few who even care to do them. People have become so lazy and self entitled and society is paying for it.

I don't do politics but the idiot points of view in this thread have zero bearing on reality.

Have at it trolls...
really? so one fucking insane person in Japan makes a handgun, and that means every fucking insane person everywhere will make their own handguns?

"In America there are so many guns if civilians give up theirs then only the bad guys will have them and that's no good."
so the answer is to do nothing? no, you start removing them, and keep on removing them, till they're all gone...criminals don't give birth to guns, they come from somewhere...guns sold by disreputable shops, guns stolen from shops or private homes, ones bought buy private citizens to turn around and sell illegally to criminals...if you dry up those sources, the guns in criminals hands start to dry up as well.

"Say you are home having dinner with your family and discussing how you gave up your guns and the world is a safe happy place...then someone kicks your door in with a gun and proceeds to fuck your kids in front of you...would you then wish you had a gun?"
yeah, and i would probably wish it in every incredibly unlikely scenario you dream up...if godzilla attacks, if zombies invade...
home invasion happens, and it's usually for robbery, which is carried out quickly and the offenders leave...look at some fucking statistics before you start making ridiculous examples...

"The Jewish folks were forced to give up their guns, how'd that work out for them??"
all fascist have always tried to concentrate power soley with themselves...the republicans are long do you think it's going to be before your second amendment saviors start to try to consolidate that power for themselves? they're giving you what they know will keep you quiet for now...all they have to do in the future to remove those guns is stop the flow of ammunition...then those guns are fucking take away reloading equipment, restrict the sales of ammo, primers, and long will all that stockpile ammo last?

"What we need is education. We need to get kids off the streets, we need to fix poverty, we need to pay attention to our kids, know where they are, what they are posting on social media. We need to get assholes like the mayor of Chicago out of office and elect rational people. We need to not ignore the signs of disturbed youth like what happened at the parade, lots of warning signs there. So many things to do but so few who even care to do them. People have become so lazy and self entitled and society is paying for it."
this is the only sane thing you've said, but it isn't even close to enough...

"I don't do politics but the idiot points of view in this thread have zero bearing on reality."
reality? reality is the dead children, killed because a bunch of insecure shrimp dicks have to use the U.S. constitution to support the delusional fantasies that they aren't fucking cowards who need a gun to replace their tiny dicks...
reality is an old lady going to the grocery store to buy something for sunday dinner when her family is coming to visit, and never coming home, because some asshole killed her, and now her grand children will grow up with no grandmother...
reality is a kid going to school and never coming home, and the families that will have to deal with that, while ignorant selfish fucks sit at home and polish their guns...
As I said, education is a start. Your's should begin with Grammer. I will not bother to read that drivel you spewed as you can't be taken seriously writing like a child.
In Japan, the majority are educated and parents are involved with their kids. A culture based on respect.

No guns, we saw what happens, the bad guys find a way, homemade gun was used in Japan.

In America there are so many guns if civilians give up theirs then only the bad guys will have them and that's no good.

Say you are home having dinner with your family and discussing how you gave up your guns and the world is a safe happy place...then someone kicks your door in with a gun and proceeds to fuck your kids in front of you...would you then wish you had a gun?

The Jewish folks were forced to give up their guns, how'd that work out for them??

What we need is education. We need to get kids off the streets, we need to fix poverty, we need to pay attention to our kids, know where they are, what they are posting on social media. We need to get assholes like the mayor of Chicago out of office and elect rational people. We need to not ignore the signs of disturbed youth like what happened at the parade, lots of warning signs there. So many things to do but so few who even care to do them. People have become so lazy and self entitled and society is paying for it.

I don't do politics but the idiot points of view in this thread have zero bearing on reality.

Have at it trolls...
You don’t do politics?
But you lie freely
I thought I spelled that out, so thanks for the chance to clarify: “assault”, criminally, only requires the IMMINENT THREAT of violence in all the examples I’ve examined; a swing and a miss still counts as assault; a swing and a hit is “battery”. It is true that statutes could have changed over the years, but it’s not likely - just like the legal definition of *could* change, but probably won’t.

Saw a vid clip of a big guy in a big pickup trapped in his vehicle by an angry chicken; chicken never laid a beak on him, but if it were a human-on-human situation, truck guy could report it as assault.

So, yeah: laws will absolutely allude to “anything other than offensive physical contact”. THAT’s the spoiler.

Thanks for asking.


Pertinent extract:

Sweet, so, an imminent threat of violence does indeed allude to offensive physical contact.

You kind of took the long way to the destination but I'm glad we arrived there.