Are evangelical Christians who support Trump a cult?

This is great. Keep up the good work gents..

No but seriously. Take a moment, and realize that if you can't have a civil discussion with someone who does not agree with you, then you have issues. Usually its due to emotional baggage, and/or placing your own insecurities on others rather than looking deeply at them. This is a truth, and the vast majority of people suffer from it.

Do you find yourself getting easily angered when you talk to someone who disagrees with your political or religious beliefs? Then you have some buried issues, that if you took the time to process and move on from.. you'd be happier, healthier, and would honestly not have a single issue with someone disagreeing with you. Ever. Once you form a solid, clear, belief.. it's easy to talk to those who don't agree. Because you aren't insecure about those beliefs.

Now calm down.. and breath. Trump is our President, there is nothing you can do about that. Nor can you do anything about his "followers". But you can do everything about yourself. You can change your own world and move on from what others have tried to create for you.

Stop falling into this trap of hatred and anger towards one another.. this is a marijuana subforum for crying out loud. Not Reddit, or some other place that you should be trolling people to vent your shit.

Carry on though. My words will obviously not sway a single one of you at this point in life.

i disagree. i have successfully eliminated all republicans from my personal life. that means i don't speak to my parents or a close friend anymore. fuck them if they think trump is legit and decent. they won't be part of my life, nor me part of theirs... they made their beds and are still in them, even with all the shit dickhead orange man is doing.

my parents have the audacity to call themselves christians. only in rural america. retards....

and as far as trump goes, i can go out of my way to share my knowledge with all others in my life. i can go out and register voters. i can give money to republicans opponents...

its game on....
i disagree. i have successfully eliminated all republicans from my personal life. that means i don't speak to my parents or a close friend anymore. fuck them if they think trump is legit and decent. they won't be part of my life, nor me part of theirs... they made their beds and are still in them, even with all the shit dickhead orange man is doing.

my parents have the audacity to call themselves christians. only in rural america. retards....

and as far as trump goes, i can go out of my way to share my knowledge with all others in my life. i can go out and register voters. i can give money to republicans opponents...

its game on....

"You can change your own world and move on from what others have tried to create for you."

That was right after what you quoted in bold.. and its exactly what you did. Good for you Brother! Stand up for your beliefs and do something about changing your current situation.

However.. none of that changes the current situation, which is all I meant. Outside of a planned assassination, you cannot change by yourself that Trump is President of the United States of America. Nor can you change certain people's views and opinions on Trump, by yourself... aka his "followers". Now its great what you are doing and planning.. but that only changes the future perhaps, not right now. And that is all I was saying.. right now, there is nothing you can do.

Short of cutting people out of your life for their beliefs because you disagree with them.. ;)
"You can change your own world and move on from what others have tried to create for you."

That was right after what you quoted in bold.. and its exactly what you did. Good for you Brother! Stand up for your beliefs and do something about changing your current situation.

However.. none of that changes the current situation, which is all I meant. Outside of a planned assassination, you cannot change by yourself that Trump is President of the United States of America. Nor can you change certain people's views and opinions on Trump, by yourself... aka his "followers". Now its great what you are doing and planning.. but that only changes the future perhaps, not right now. And that is all I was saying.. right now, there is nothing you can do.

Short of cutting people out of your life for their beliefs because you disagree with them.. ;)

done, and it bothers them, but not enough to denounce trump.

life is a bitch and then you die.
Life might be difficult at times.. but its amazing man. Truly.

If it's just a bitch, then end that shit now. Fuck it, cut the cord. Move on and find out what is next..

I mean why delay the inevitable, and live in shit world? :confused:
i disagree. i have successfully eliminated all republicans from my personal life. that means i don't speak to my parents or a close friend anymore. fuck them if they think trump is legit and decent. they won't be part of my life, nor me part of theirs... they made their beds and are still in them, even with all the shit dickhead orange man is doing.

my parents have the audacity to call themselves christians. only in rural america. retards....

and as far as trump goes, i can go out of my way to share my knowledge with all others in my life. i can go out and register voters. i can give money to republicans opponents...

its game on....
For the past year, wise people on this site like @Padawanbater2 , @ttystikk and especially @st0wandgrow have been advising that we stop calling racist, retrograde, bigoted fascists -- racist, retrograde, bigoted fascists. Their example of probity when confronted with people who disagree with them have convinced me that calling racist, retrograde, bigoted fascists -- racist, retrograde, bigoted fascists only causes them to dig deeper into their racist, retrograde, bigoted fascist beliefs. This thread is my response to their very fine examples of behavior and advice.

With tongue in cheek, I ask you, sir, to refrain from speech that upon @Padawanbater2 , @ttystikk and especially @st0wandgrow 's advice only alienates Trump cultists and causes them to avoid seeking the truth about their racist, retrograde, bigoted, fascist beliefs. They are not crazy but are the same intelligent, creative and interesting individuals they were before they joined The Cult of Trump. As with falling in love they are just crazy about the group, its amazing leader and its great potential to change the world and you with it. So the ideals of the group are probably quite attractive superficially – ending war and poverty, say, or promoting the healthy development of brain and body.

The intent of my post isn't to get them angry or to try to tell them what to do. The intent is to give them a lifeline so that they can pull themselves out of the cult when they are ready.
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