Are Intelligent Women Sexy?


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to agree, hey like that chick on the newest reality show American Hoggers lol Damn she's even rockin some pit stains lol
I like a girl thats not afraid to eat...midwestern corn fed girls are the best.


Well-Known Member
Hot Librarian types are clearly superior.

The redneck with pit sweat looks nasty IMO...


Well-Known Member
Tuna is chicken? RFLMAO what a fucking tool, but she was damn hot in Dukes of hazard lol
I dislike Jessica Simpson as a person... I used to think her Boots are Made for Walking video was pretty hot, but then the obvious gesticulating just made me cringe (whee let me act out ravishing you and shaking my boobs in your face) and it became apparent she had no ass or hips. She's put on weight since I see though! Lol, the farm look. I work on a farm, suddenly I feel glamorous lol

J-Lo. Every guy says they have a crush on her but she actually seems like a very sweet, genuine person. On tv, without film lenses and fancy studio lighting and you just catching her from all sorts of odd angles, she is still beautiful. Without heavy makeup and her hair done up and posing, still she is beautiful.



Well-Known Member
'intellegent women with low self esteem are where its at'

fuck this ! I always end up dating them and it is just not the truth... or maybe you just have to be a bigger man than me :S

Intelligent and confident... definitely attractive. also definitely a rare breed.


Well-Known Member
Your into Ann Coulter too...
no, (had to google her ;)) but ann looks allright (not that id do her)

eh, had to think to remember simpson and j.lo´s names.

i said cute, bit cute, not that cute.

but they are more cute looking than ann (not cute at all, allright looking)

but really not my types at all. (and what type im into, actually, funnily, looking back, every girl that i ever dated before my wife, had something in common with her,,lol)


Well-Known Member
still think love is where its at..

Hell yes intelligent women are sexy. Being smart doesn't mean that you're lame. And any smart woman would be smoking the herb.. Just sayin...