Are mason jars the only feasible way of curing?


Well-Known Member
The only down part of using a plastic jug is that the plastic holds a static charge that can strip some of the trichs off your bud.


Misguided Angel
I find that bud cured in glass seems to taste better too. And I prefer the chocolate whey myself lol


Well-Known Member
You can cure in whatever you want, technically. But glass jars are the place to be, IMO.

Also to note, if your curing in plastic some odors can be passed onto your buds. Of course I'm sure this can be said of any container if not washed properly but plastic holds this shit more than glass.


Well-Known Member
You can usually find wire bail seal jars at thrift shops. They aren't always air tight but usually they can be adjusted until they are.


Active Member
I found some icecream knock-off called gelato at the grocery store that comes in these neat little screw top plastic jars.
I always cure in Ball Glass Jars I get at a craft store but these little guys hold a good 1/4oz.
I use this when I go to a show or a big BBQ' and I know Ill be smoking and sharing alot.


Well-Known Member
anything glass and airtight

you can use anything else airtight

glass is just nicer, cleaner, easier to see trichomes on, less likely to destroy resin glands, etc

and you can get a box of a dozen mason jars for under $8 from most grocery stores