Are my buds ready for harvest? HD PICS!


Well-Known Member
Its been about 6 weeks into flowering and its getting close to harvesting time. I would say that about 40% of the hairs on the main bud have turned orange and some of the leaves are staring to die. I flushed her today and i was thinking about harvesting this weekend. I should also note that i dont have a magnifying glass to see the crystals up close. I need some opinions on how soon i should i should harvest and any tips on how to do it would also be welcome.


New Member
heres a tip for u m8, if u have a good digital camera or even a decent 1, take a close up pic of ur bud, upload the pic to ur computer and use the computer to zoom in on the trichs!!!!!!! if done properly it works amazing , give it a go!!!


New Member
something to remember ere guys, the longer u leave it the more ''couchlock effect''ur gunna get!! amber=couchlock
cloudy=thc ok m8.


New Member
sorry beta clarify a bit there, with the scope or cam checkin the trichs,amber = more coutchlock
cloudy trichs = more of a heady high buzz.


New Member
personaly i would harvest when 20% ov the trichs are amber, all depends on how u like ur high to feel if u like a heady high ide harvest in 3-5days if u like ur high very strong so it smacks u rite in the chops then ide wait another 7-10 days, u get it????????