Are My Girls Ready For Flowering?! I'm New


Hi all im new to 'Rollitup'

Ive started my very first indoor grow and as i hope you can see, im getting on quite well so far, basically they're not dead or discoloured. There are 2 girls, one is 26cm tall and the other is 36cm tall

I was just wondering if its maybe time for the flowering room on 12/12 with 600w hps and maybe should i trim before-hand (images below)

Any suggestions or advice of any kind is much appreciated.. Thanx all :joint:



bud bootlegger
you can flower at any time that you want, but know that the bigger your plant is before you flower her, the more bud you will end up in the end come harvest time.. pesonally, i like to wait till i see one of two things, if not both.. i like to wait till i see that the nodes are no longer coming out evenly, and are now rather uneven.. the more mature that a marijuana plant gets and the closer to sexual maturity it becomes, the branches start to form unevenly instead of the old one on either side of the main stem like they did in the beggining..
the second thing that i like to look for is preflowers.. preflowers are also a good sign that your plant is getting sexually mature and is ready to be harvested.. usually you will see both uneven nodes and the preflowers within around a week or two of each other..


bud bootlegger
i don't know what kinda trimming your thinking of doing to her, but you should check out uncle bens topping technique for two or four main cola's, its stickied, and is an excellent read..