Are My Seedlings Looking Healthy? 12 Days Old & Im Worried!!!! *Please Look And Post*


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Hello All thanks for checking my post:bigjoint:

:leaf:MY FIRST GROW:leaf:

My babys are 12 days old still in 4'' pots. They seem to be doing ok but im not totally sure when ive woke up today and checked them. As you can see in the pictures i've uploaded one of my babys leaves have started to twist up a little and turn?? why is this? does any one know - they have kind of curled up? the 2 main leaves??

I will look to transfer them into 3 gallon pots a few days after they turn 2 weeks old. they turn 2 weeks on sunday

Can you please leave me some feedback on why you think the leaves of one plant have done this and any help and info on my grow set-up and the state of my plants. This would be greatly appreciated

what is your overall opinion of my 12 day old WHITE RHINO plants. Please if you visit leave some feedback whatever it may be.
Thank you:leaf:



Active Member
you have a nice little setup! however those pots are small, get those plants into bigger pots apart from that the plants look healthy nice for 12 days! also are you watering the leaves with the lights on if so i wouldnt do it anymore it can cause the water on leaves to heat up and stress the plant!! good luck


Well-Known Member
i reckon the winds abit strog 4 ur little girls
u just need 2 keep the air in the room flowing
the fan doesnt have 2 b pointed str8 @ the plants
i learned that the hard way lol


Well-Known Member
Hey the biggest problem of all is the leaves turning on one of my plants - i really need to find out what is causing this? Can some 1 please tell me if they have any idea - one of the plants if you look in the pictures has the leaves turning up and kind of curling - why is this? Lack of water? Too much water? The others are fine but one of my babys leafs are turning and curling and i need to know why this is happening ??????? Please some feed back!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Honestly, they look pretty healthy to me. I see what you're talking about but I don't think you have a problem. You are watering the pots right, and not just spraying the leaves?


Well-Known Member
not im watering the pots right and making sure i water them till water comes thru the holes at the bottom - i jus mist occasianly - when i water i make sure i leave the water for 24 hours out before i feed them - then i make sure all the roots get an even amount of water till the water runs off and comes thru the holes at the bottom???/? any ideas?


Well-Known Member
You're feeding them? That could be a problem then - most people don't begin feeding until the plant is at least three weeks old.


Active Member
I believe that the leaf curling you are seeing is a result of the light being too close. What is that light you are using? Looks like one of those 125 watt CFL's to me. You should back the light off a little bit and they will grow right out of it, nothing to be too concerned about. It's happened to my friend before.


Active Member
ok yeah move the light back and your babies will grow right out of it, alos watch the fan like the other good folks mentioned and you should be on your way to success.


Well-Known Member
yeah dont worry about the light it was the fan im sure
ive killed afew of my plants like that
and nearly killed a few more b4 i figured it out lol


not im watering the pots right and making sure i water them till water comes thru the holes at the bottom - i jus mist occasianly - when i water i make sure i leave the water for 24 hours out before i feed them - then i make sure all the roots get an even amount of water till the water runs off and comes thru the holes at the bottom???/? any ideas?

England123, have you been able to fix this issue? I have some 15 day old Blue Ryder and am having the same problem. If you have fixed it I would love to know how. Thanks and good luck.


Well-Known Member
hey mate - yeh i fixed it - it seems that the light was too close - its now at bout 4'' above them - this was the problem - i also think it was a little over watering them to be honest - hope that helps :-)