Are my t5's burning my sprouts?


Well-Known Member
Therellas-I just did the same thing, for extreme measures i took the light up to 1.9 feet away from the little sprouts and also skipped a day of watering. 9 out of 10 plants are looking real good. On a couple of them, the first two sprouting leaves where browning up and shriveling but then the other 2 actual leaves( the ribbed fan leaves) just started to blossom and grow enough for me to tell that those 1st leaves were'nt of too much concern. This is my first grow so im still experimenting with what the sprouts can handle and how much water to feed them but its lookin good so far. Iv lowered the light back down to 9 inches from the soil, because my sprouts were stretching a lil bit, but they're still about 3/4-an inch so that stretch was good for them. And now is should get more stable, although who knows
sweet man.thx.I think im gonna raise mine a bit for good measure.


Well-Known Member
After about 4 days of minor watering, then one day without, then last night i just gave them a good watering and that should hold them off for a good 3-4 days. My fuckin timer didnt turn my light off today so they're seeing 24 hours of light. But i noticed some good growth since this morning, is that because i they didnt see their usual 6 hours of darkness? I'm wanting these plants to grow as fast as possible, so should i just keep my light on 24 hours? or is there some benefit to their dark period?


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yea, i really dont plan on putting up any extensive grow journals or any of that, but until i get this growing art down to a tee, ill be on RIU. But the feds have bigger problems than scanning RIU, well at least id hope not. So what do you know about the feds filuslux?