Are Poor People Really People?

Clayton are you implying the use of welfare babies as a cheap source of meat for Chinese restaurants
i hope not, i quite enjoy the lemon chicken every once in a while

I'd market it more as a delicacy.

I mean, come on, these are babies we are talking about. You don't just bring something new like that to the market only to sell yourself short and call it cheap meat, damn.

No office position for you. Maybe the warehouse could use your back.
When is everyone gonna start taking the stairs instead of the escalator. When we start using the stairs again things may start to improve but this lazy way of life is not doing us any good.

My my mother has ms and is completely wheelchair bound, they will not give her one cent of disability or any help for that matter. My dad will die in debt up to his ass from med bills, meds, ect ect. He has worked his ass off to provide for our family and never once has gotten ahead. I feel you all on this matter especially when people who are more than able to work, they can walk and everything, are getting help they really don't need while the people who truly need help are fucked to say the least.

a recipe for disaster is putting it nicely.

i realize people run into hard times, but to not pull out of those hard times and just be lazy because some party is gonna provide for you is not what I feel we should be doing. I used to watch people who would get disability or SS get their checks cash it at liquor store and walk right across the street to the spot and be there till broke and for 28 more days beg for change in front of the liquor store until next check day. If you can beg you can work IMO.

With respect to the African-American portion of this topic, we as a society are in part to blame. In our schools, we teach them which they were kidnapped and enslaved. Then, rather than returning them to their respective homelands(as Lincoln wanted to do before he was shot)our government decided they were better off here...with no education and little skills to support themselves. They had little choice at the time but to remain indentured servants.

So, we created government assistance...keeping them dependent.

And then we bitch, when it was us who created their attitude of collecting hand-outs.:mrgreen:
Wow, thanks for all of the support. I thought for sure I would be ridiculed into oblivion. So, I have been giving it some thought, and knowing that we cannot sustain our current population growth..... a modest proposal

The poor are clearly breeders, not just for the extra welfare/food stamps, but because they are not working and therefor having more sex, with nothing else to do....won;t "waste" their free money on condoms, and vasectomies aren;t free (why Bob Barker didn;t promote this instead, I'll never know). Anyway, we need protein and our current sources take up so many other resources, AND they contribute to methane gases depleting out ozone...(so a million reasons why this is a good idea). What if we took their babies and ate them? I mean look at chicken wings, fucking things have exploded in popularity. Just think how much more meat is on a little baby "wing", or those fat little legs! The poor have to contribute something. They have to.

They do it in China already, so I am not crazy.

Why eat the babies? They did nothing wrong.

Plus the adults would have so much more meat to go around to local soup kitchens.
.01% of your federal taxes will be applied to foodstamps. So not wanting to work to avoid paying it is kinda rediculous.

Ok, taking the serious face off now.
Sunbiz, you do realize that whole number wise there are more whites on welfare right?

No, I did not.

Do you have the stats on that?.

And if stats indicate this, would like to see the percentage of whites to blacks on welfare per state.
Sunbiz, you do realize that whole number wise there are more whites on welfare right?
i googled it... not trying to start a war though, just facts.. actually kind of interesting how close it is to even races.. white/black

[TD="bgcolor: #54D427"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #54D427"][/TD]
Total number of Americans on welfare12,800,000
Total number of Americans on food stamps46,700,000
Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance5,600,000
Percent of the US population on welfare4.1 %
Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment)$131.9 billion
Percent of recipients who are white38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other3.3 %
Total Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than an $8 per hour job39
Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than a $12 per hour job6
Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than the average salary of a U.S. Teacher8
Less than 7 months19%
7 to 12 months15.2%
1 to 2 years19.3%
2 to 5 years26.9%
Over 5 years19.6%
Washington, D.C.$13.99
New York$13.13
New Jersey$12.55
Rhode Island$12.55

[TD="bgcolor: #54D427"] Welfare Statistics [/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #54D427"][/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: #54D427"] Welfare Demographics [/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #54D427"] [/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: #54D427, colspan: 2"] Welfare Statistics [/TD]

[TD="width: 466"]Total amount of money you can make monthly and still receive Welfare[/TD]
[TD="width: 178"]$1000[/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: #54D427, colspan: 2"] Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) [/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: #54D427"] Time on AFDC [/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #54D427"] Percent of Recipients [/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: #54D427, colspan: 2"] Top 10 Hourly Wage Equivalent Welfare States in U.S. [/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: #54D427"] State [/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #54D427"] Hourly Wage Equivalent [/TD]
Ahhh, statistics....

The key is what percentage of Americans are black, hispanic, etc. So, while blacks are only 15% of the population, they account for 40% of all welfare, etc... If that is what you are trying to get at...

While food stamps go to 47 MILLION Americans (out of 350), that number doesn;t actually represent the number of people on welfare, as the "recipient" is only counted as the person receiving the benefit, and not the number of people that benefit supports. Still staggering that 1 in 7 is on food stamps.

Race matters not, to me, there are reasons for things. We created a generational welfare society. There are generations of people who are born into and die receiving welfare/food stamps, etc. Are THEY people? They contribute NOTHING to society, yet cost us billions in housing, feeding, healthcare, spending money, etc. Should they be allowed to vote themselves more welfare? What rights should they actually get? They ARE more like pets, are they not?

"I am PISSED!!! I am pissed because year after year my tax dollars go to lazy cunts who dont want to work. Shit, I should be able to get something in return. Maybe some pussy or a blowjob. Hell I feel I deserve it. I feel that you owe me a piece of that big butt that you sit on watching soap operas everyday. Hell, I didnt lay down with you to concieve those shit dispensers that you call kids, but yet year after year I help support them. You bitches owe me. I say if these bitches don't want to work for my money, you better bend over face down and ass up. Dont want to do that? well get on your knees and prepare to swallow. At any rate you bitches better do something. I am tired of you cunts mooching off of me. I don't want to work any more than you do. But since I have work ethic (something you obviously know nothing about) I have to go. And damnit I work hard. I dont appreciate my hard earned money supporting you or your fucking brats. "
Ok SRH88, I saw the same stats but the website they come from doesn't exactly look legit does it? Where are the numbers cited from?

Clayton buddy you seem to get serious up there in that post. So I would have to assume that you would be in favor of eradicating every poor Native American....

Also, this capitalistic society that America is built on depends on poor people, needs poor people, has to exploit the less fortunate. Do you guys know that unemployment is a necessity for capitalism? It's built into the big equation. The equation just doesn't like when it gets too high.
Ok SRH88, I saw the same stats but the website they come from doesn't exactly look legit does it? Where are the numbers cited from?

Clayton buddy you seem to get serious up there in that post. So I would have to assume that you would be in favor of eradicating every poor Native American....

Also, this capitalistic society that America is built on depends on poor people, needs poor people, has to exploit the less fortunate. Do you guys know that unemployment is a necessity for capitalism? It's built into the big equation. The equation just doesn't like when it gets too high.

it was the first thing that popped up on google.. come on we all know 75% of all statistics are fake :)
Ok SRH88, I saw the same stats but the website they come from doesn't exactly look legit does it? Where are the numbers cited from?

Clayton buddy you seem to get serious up there in that post. So I would have to assume that you would be in favor of eradicating every poor Native American....

Also, this capitalistic society that America is built on depends on poor people, needs poor people, has to exploit the less fortunate. Do you guys know that unemployment is a necessity for capitalism? It's built into the big equation. The equation just doesn't like when it gets too high.

Hush yo mouth! Natives are, well, native. They are home. Other minorities have a country/continent to go back to. I am furious at how the natives have been put in a box and made dependent on welfare. Having said that, as an ex homeless person who never took anything from anyone, I have the right to say that anyone who takes without giving is worthless, and more like a pet, than a person. If you take money from working taxpayers, you don't deserve to vote. Maybe even a tattoo on your face to let people know they own you. Sure, everyone can hit a rough patch, but not for 5 years or more. The disabled get a pass. If you are on welfare, you don;t get to keep popping out kids. They should be sold to the highest bidder to cover your costs.

We cannot sustain the current system. Ideas are welcome.

Edit: Fuck them red kids. They never made me a dreamcatcher, or a beaded bag, or even a sharp rock on a stick (free tomahawk). I'm tired of seeing Native gangs, and people with paint can circles on their face, waiting for their next check. Why not consider it a paycheck? We are paying people for NOTHING. Why not make them earn it? If they don;t think the work is good enough for them, they can find their own job, like the rest of us. Drop the poor into wildfires and make them put them out, or die. Earn their keep. Shit.
Those GD kardashians (I cannot muster the respect to capitalize it either) are rich and famous for being rich and famous (because of dad). They are ignorant trash. Who are their fans that keep the season renewals coming? About 7% of the population (the other 93% despise them). Coincidence that about 7% of the population is on welfare? I think not. Those ignorant, worthless life hacks are the heros of the welfare state. They prove that you too can be rich for absolutely nothing, and with no effort. Just be a GD idiot and have someone videotape it. Youtube is full of those trying to get their slice. You can tell that some of those crazy bitches on Maury and Springer are on the show trying to be "discovered". Idiocracy was spot on.
