Are there any legal herbs/ substances "just like" shrooms?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering, are there any legal substances just like shrooms. Like... nice visuals, dreamy, no skitzing/ tweaking- 2-4 hour duration. Probably not, but I thought I'd ask.


Well-Known Member
Hmm I've heard Hawaiian Baby Woodrose/Morning Glory seeds (LSA) are like a mild form of LSD...which itself isn't "just like" shrooms, but it should do as a legal sub. I hear they can give you nausea so be careful if you have a weak stomach. Oh and San Pedro/Peruvian Torch cacti are almost exactly like peyote, but they are sold legally for ornamental purposes. I think a simple alcohol cacti extraction would be your best bet if you don't mind the work.


Well-Known Member
Hmm I've heard Hawaiian Baby Woodrose/Morning Glory seeds (LSA) are like a mild form of LSD...which itself isn't "just like" shrooms, but it should do as a legal sub. I hear they can give you nausea so be careful if you have a weak stomach. Oh and San Pedro/Peruvian Torch cacti are almost exactly like peyote, but they are sold legally for ornamental purposes. I think a simple alcohol cacti extraction would be your best bet if you don't mind the work.
Thanks, I've been looking into the HBW seeds; particularly the Happy Caps Trip-E. I don't need or want to have a looney-bin trip; I just like things to look shimmery once in awhile. That's why I ain't touching salvia. Don't know anything about cacti though, I'll check it out.


Well-Known Member
I was talking about actual seeds, but those pills are probably just seed powder with a slightly inflated price. They're not that expensive so if you don't like the idea of swallowing gritty seed powder and measuring out your dose, I think they should work fine.


Well-Known Member
I was talking about actual seeds, but those pills are probably just seed powder with a slightly inflated price. They're not that expensive so if you don't like the idea of swallowing gritty seed powder and measuring out your dose, I think they should work fine.
Yeah thanks I think I will try the trip-E. I have always been quite sensitive to hallucinogens so they should be fine.

I've been looking into the Peruvian Torch cactus- sounds amazing. Reading the reports, it sounds like I've done mescaline before but at the time I thought it was "the best E I ever did". Looking back it sounds like there was some mesc in that tab.

The only issue with the cactus is that I need to find 12 hours when I will not be needed as a mommy.

Looking forward to this legal stuff. I always liked the first 4 hours on acid, but after that it all went wrong- I'd still be tripping the next day; I always got "the fear" (What if there's no turning back; I'm stuck in loony town)... I could never make sense of it all at the end. Whereas with mushrooms, it was always so smooth.


Active Member
Hi, ive taken those Trip-E caps ur talking about (these i assume :Trip-E | Psychedelic Caps | Psychedelic)

and they are awesome if u take all four at once :). I only bought em once tho but they were much stronger than I expected (i took 4 remember) but in a good way, i didnt hallucinate at all it was more like an xtc trip. I had the biggest smile on my face :). This was a few years ago, Ive never done it again because of the price. I can get acid cheaper and it just seems stupid for me to buy them. You might aswell just buy the ingredients in the pills and take them urself, it might end up much cheaper.

My friend was exactly like you, mushrooms he could handle but LSD was just too "crazy" for him. I always preferred acid it hits me smoother.

Edit. Here is an alcohol extraction guide for peyote/san pedro. Its easier than producing PURE mescaline but removes the need to consume so much garbage (especially when dealing with san pedro).