Are these plants starting to change to Hermi ??

This is a follow up to my last post with a better pic...Last week i was out of town for a few days and 4 of my plants dried up a bit so im not sure if i stressed them out....anyways they are still on 24 hours light but are producing these little pod like things. im afraid they are staring to go hermi. Lookin for some solid info not guessing....Thanks

Also i have 1 plant of the same that is a few weeks ahead of these and is in the bud room and also have grown thus strain before and dont have or never seen this before


Well-Known Member
if you have grown cannabis before you SHOULD of seen them .... there normal and nothing to worry about , male pods look like bananas and once they split open and drop pollen they look kinda like a claw off one of those arcade grabber machines ... yours is normal ...


Well-Known Member
if you have grown cannabis before you SHOULD of seen them .... there normal and nothing to worry about , male pods look like bananas and once they split open and drop pollen they look kinda like a claw off one of those arcade grabber machines ... yours is normal ...
Wow...what an awesome analogy of a busted nanner!!! Makes me think of Toy Story lol....THE CLAAAWWWWW.