Are they almost done? im ready but not sure when.... Ty


Well-Known Member
all four are on schedule as far as when they will b done... should all be within a month i hope. hair are turning more and more red.. all the crystals still look clear. any help and/or advice is great.. thank you all

p.s. some pics are of my oldest flowering has the sever leaves dying to about halfway up.. any help with those would be great to..


Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
Nice plant, what strain ?

Definitely a good 2-3 weeks, then again best way to check aside from hairs getting color is having the scope and checking trichome.

The oldest plant,it could be over fertilization, but more likely it is due to the pH being off.


Well-Known Member
thank you... i think they all look great myself! :)
another question is.... should i stop giving them nitrogen nutes? and I want to turn the lights out for 48 hours prior to harvest but since all four are not at the same stage(pretty damn close though) will it fuck them all up? should I do it or not?


Active Member
You still have about three weeks to go. Looking good. I have a tent i will pull out and put in a seperate closet for 48 hrs.


Well-Known Member
ty you... u think 3 weeks for all or till the first one is done? also i have thought of many things but my problem is a space issue. I went out and got a box to hang them in but my problem with that one is air flow.... any more suggestion? thanks again