Are We Free To Make Our Own Rules?


New Member
We'll do our best to follow your priorities.

Thems just details in our book.

We don't deal much with details.


Hippie Tip:

the above text references a hidden book we have written amongst the totality of our admittedly prolific posting here at rollitup. It really is one of our favorite places to be.

We have given many more people than you know their own chapter in the world's greatest Seeker novel.

Do you know any good book writers looking for a story?


Parallel universes are possible universes. They are the ways things could have been if the past had been different or if the laws were different. They are useful ways of thinking about things, but I think their only advantage is utility. I don't think they exist; certainly they don't exist in our Universe. They would have no relation whatsoever to us. I have a question for you, Woodstock-Hippie. Do you believe in determinism, that everything is caused? Do you think that everything is a product of the past and the laws of nature? I say this because neither the past nor the laws of nature seem like they could be "up to us." If neither of these things are up to us, then how do we have free will or free action? This is known as the Consequence Argument. I think the only way to salvage free will is to say that free will is just the desires you have about what your desires should be.


New Member
"Do you believe in determinism, that everything is caused?"

We Believe in Woodstock Industries

because Everything Is not Determined.

"I say this because neither the past nor the laws of nature seem like they could be "up to us.""

Some believe Laws Can be Changed


New Member

The only ones that have a chance to stay are the ones where the battles are being fought.

Survival of the fittest evolving threads?

Where are the genes being propagated through such nonsense?

'cause you can't have evolution without genes, right?
