are women good?


Active Member
A few of them are. Most of them are very superficial and vain.
Everything about a woman from the make-up on her face to the clothes she wears, it is all about deception.
Now you have role models like Kim Kardashian with her fake lips, fake tits, ass implants, fake personality etc for young women to look up to. I think we are all pretty much screwed.
Think about it.


Well-Known Member
Some are good and some not so much.

So many can be superficial and fake. My best friend out here is a very down to earth, bubbly, genuine, 90kg of woman and I love the way she sees people for who they are!

However some of the older ones seem to have become bitter, lonely and twisted as the years have gone by.

It's quite easy to tell them apart when you're doing well. True friends will always be happy for you.