the progressives agree they all want everything you earn. just give it to them then they will still say you are the evil rich and should give more.
rich to the progressives=middle class guy who works for a living.
i will never agree with a progressive they want everything i make and i dont want them to have one red cent.
they will get some tax out of me there is no way around it. but i will limit it to a very very min. untill the economy collapses or we are free.
these demons are pretty easy to kill .
all we have to do is stop paying them. it will force them to print more money to stay afloat . untill the money they print is worthless and its on its way to that right now.
there is no way the US economy can survive under this amount of debt that is being accumulated under the communists in charge. they have already bankrupted the country.
its just a little while longer before all the domino's fall,.