Well-Known Member
Yeah, they did! I think "insane" also came up.I'm sure Orville and Wilbur heard the same thing
Yeah, they did! I think "insane" also came up.I'm sure Orville and Wilbur heard the same thing
answers are always in front of you..Its just up to you or me to see it.
Hell remember when Obama said the joke about Romney putting something on the top of the car , but it was not a
Well how about using the wind that your car generates down the road thru a duck/windmill on the it in a battery..use fuel when you need to charge battery..
sounds stupid... but guy..ideas are always in front of us
we just need to wake the fuck up ..that includes me
you know I'm going to actually put this idea on paper to see if I can work something out as a start. I don't feel drag would be the issue.Hell your windshield creates drag..I would use open ducts on the roof..Air flows thru turning the sails or blades...My mine concern is energy storage. How long can wind power charge a battery and hold that charge..How big of a battery would one need to keep a car going at 70 miles an hour. Working similar to the battery of electric cars...but I would love to see a model to test how much drag would reduce the energy created.the biggest problem with such an idea is that it is close brother to perpetual motion... and perpetual motion doesn't work no matter how many tinkerers build machines in their garages in the heart of Ill. somewhere. The windmill will create drag that will more than offset the amount of energy you create. that means that you will use more gasoline. there is no free lunch.
you know I'm going to actually put this idea on paper to see if I can work something out as a start. I don't feel drag would be the issue.Hell your windshield creates drag..I would use open ducts on the roof..Air flows thru turning the sails or blades...My mine concern is energy storage. How long can wind power charge a battery and hold that charge..How big of a battery would one need to keep a car going at 70 miles an hour. Working similar to the battery of electric cars...but I would love to see a model to test how much drag would reduce the energy created.
why would you waste a vote clown, err i mean D3monic?Writing in Ron Paul
It's the point of voting you get to pick your own clownwhy would you waste a vote clown, err i mean D3monic?
I'm still thinking its doable..It will require more energy to generate the power than you will harvest, when inefficiencies are figured in. Even assuming there were no friction, storage, or conversion losses, (not possible in any case) you would only harvest what you put in. You could make a wind powered car, it has been done. A rolling death trap with extremely limited use. Put wheels on an ice boat, basically.
The mythbusters disagreeAnother example is one where you have a sail boat and an electric fan blowing on the sail. I doesn't work as the resistance holding the fan is equal to the pressure being applied to the sail.
Right. The per cent or two of "leaked" energy from all that thrashing powered their boat ... but i bet they had no mosquito problem!Yeah but they were trying a different theory. Not generating electricity but rather powering their own sail.
Maybe they use the windmill to power a generator to charge the batteries to run an electric prop which creates the wind by moving the boat. THEN we get into inefficiencies.Right. The per cent or two of "leaked" energy from all that thrashing powered their boat ... but i bet they had no mosquito problem!
To make the test conform to the premise stated earlier, that fan would have to be powered by a ~giggle~ windmill ... cn
But then you lose the directness of driving a car to power the windmill that generates the energy that ... drives the car ... cnMaybe they use the windmill to power a generator to charge the batteries to run an electric prop which creates the wind by moving the boat. THEN we get into inefficiencies.
You're in whose bro?cn
But then you lose the directness of driving a car to power the windmill that generates the energy that ... drives the car ... cn