Are you sitting down?

Are these the same scientists that say you can die from smoking to much pot? Or the ones that say its addictive?
It appears you can pay a scientist to say whatever you want. So that research mean a whole lot of nothing to me

Yes, they are the same scientists. Actually there are only three scientists in the entire world and they run around from issue to issue, case to case.

Feel better? Lawdy...

out. :blsmoke:
were i grew up in oregon and washington .the federal government was paying some scientists over a million a year to research big foot.
my father hunted and fished all over those states and so did i for years.never seen any damn big foot.
those scientists swear and be damned that there is a big foot and for a few more million they are on the verge of finding big foot.
every year for years they were getting millions to find big foot,
had these so called scientists ever said.well there is no such thing as big foot they would have cut their money off..LOL
the american public are a bunch of idiots .
were i grew up in oregon and washington .the federal government was paying some scientists over a million a year to research big foot.
my father hunted and fished all over those states and so did i for years.never seen any damn big foot.
those scientists swear and be damned that there is a big foot and for a few more million they are on the verge of finding big foot.
every year for years they were getting millions to find big foot,
had these so called scientists ever said.well there is no such thing as big foot they would have cut their money off..LOL
the american public are a bunch of idiots .
Just one simple question: Why is it that everyone but you are idiots? I'd have to say that when someone goes around calling everyone else an idiot, there may be some idiocy in his DNA.
Just one simple question: Why is it that everyone but you are idiots? I'd have to say that when someone goes around calling everyone else an idiot, there may be some idiocy in his DNA.

And if memory serves me corrrectly, Med .. you've done a pretty good job of running around this forum over the years calling folks you disagree with "Cock Suckers."

I was going to mention that Vi, but i figured it was common knowledge...

No Stoney, it's not in his DNA. he learned it.... much worse! :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
And if memory serves me corrrectly, Med .. you've done a pretty good job of running around this forum over the years calling folks you disagree with "Cock Suckers."


Hey all. I am fairly new here, and I must say great thread.

This here made me squirt pop out my nose.
Just one simple question: Why is it that everyone but you are idiots? I'd have to say that when someone goes around calling everyone else an idiot, there may be some idiocy in his DNA.

And if memory serves me corrrectly, Med .. you've done a pretty good job of running around this forum over the years calling folks you disagree with "Cock Suckers."

Med, are we gona take this?
fuck! we have to take it...
fuckin guy got us good!:lol:
he punched us with our own fist!
we got the ol double screw post pulled on us, med.

we shall regroup, and battle on!!
Any other comments about the posted article? I think Coulter did a great job of pointing out the hypocrisy of the leftists when it comes down to parting with their own wealth, don't you?


hey vi have you seen the movie the obama deception..go to youtube for part 1/12
its an alex jones movie..(i dont like alex personally) but all the info in the movie is dead on..and scary..sad cause I voted for obama..

Ron Paul 4 Life
It may well be beyond repair at this point. You cannot print money without devaluing it. Obama has blown the roof off.

Before the dollar became the global currency, it was the british sterling. At some point and maybe in the very near future, other countries are going to dump the dollar and go to something else, perhaps the Euro. This will be truly the end of the USA as we have known it.

It's a chess game out there, and we have checked ourselves. Checkmate may come alot sooner than you think. No amount of media or political grandstanding can change the numbers. It's coming and it's coming soon perhaps.

I am offshore already and am in the process of trying to figure out which denomination to push into. As with most things in life, timing is everything. Gold of course is a default position. if you have a lot of hot assets, i suggest you start looking into conversion away from the dollar. :peace: it's being done at the top levels, but quietly...can't spook the herd....not yet anyways.

Of course the very people Obama has promised to LIFT up will be crushed beyond recognition.

out. :blsmoke:

hahah... not funny...

out. :blsmoke: