Armageddon, white russian or pure power plant ( ppp )


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

Has any one grown or currently growing any of the following strain's..

Armageddon, White russian or Pure power plant ( PPP ).

Im am growing all three strain's at the moment. Pic's below.

And want to know what they were like as a smoke, size of plant at harvest, what yield you got as a rough guide....




Well-Known Member
I've got some Serious White Russian in about 8th week flower, about another 1-2 weeks to go. They are good yielders, all my WR's are fat. Also I've read a thread on here about "what weed scares you" and the dude was talking about White russian so I'm sure potency will be through the roof.


Well-Known Member
I've got some Serious White Russian in about 8th week flower, about another 1-2 weeks to go. They are good yielders, all my WR's are fat. Also I've read a thread on here about "what weed scares you" and the dude was talking about White russian so I'm sure potency will be through the roof.
Hi thank's for your post man. Do you have any pic's of your lady white russian's... And if you could post the link to that thread it would be much appreciated.
