Arrested for cultivation of cannabis, Plants confiscated.

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Well-Known Member
hahahahahahahahaha thats some fucked up shit right there man...
he's either smoked some ridiculously trippy weed or is jus trippin out on something else...either way, theres NO way anyone cud come up with that shit when sober!! shit .......i want some of that stuff he has!!
tckfui hook me up man......

diesel mecanix

Active Member
I had three friends killed because of a drunk driver. One ended up killing himself just 2 months ago.(became schizophrenic) I really hope you go to jail for a LONG time. Withought getting on a rant I am just going to say that. Oh yeah and your a piece of shit. Someone like you is the reason I stay up at night wondering why I don't have my three good friends anymore.
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