Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You....


Well-Known Member
But, What Your Country OWES You!

"Kennedy offered no excuses for why she failed to vote in a number of elections since registering in New York City in 1988, including in 1994 when Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan was up for re-election for the seat she hopes to take over.

''I was really surprised and dismayed by my voting record,'' she said. ''I'm glad it's been brought to my attention.''

If that isn't a ringing endorsement, I don't know what is!

Stay Classy Mrs. Schlossberg.


New Member
So she wants a senate seat, but she can't even get off her ass to vote in general elections. That's what we need, yet another person in congress that gets paid to not show, not vote, basically not do their job.


New Member
They should pick me, I could sit at home, smoking bongs and not show up and I'll only charge them half the paycheck the others get and I don't need a limo either.


New Member
hell no...pick me, I have voted in every election since 1972. I would even show up for work every day....stoned prolly...but I would be there. washington dc is so cool.


New Member
I was there this fall, neat city. Cant say the same for the other cities I saw, like Philadelphia, New York city, etc. You couldn't pay me to live there. I like the openess of the west. Vegas Baby, Vegas. Snow is 20 minutes away and Lake mead is 20 minutes away. You can get a meal 24/7, from Filet mignon to breakfast, cheap too. No way would I like to be surrounded by 20 Million people when the shit comes down. I've already got my survival spot picked out in the sheep mountains, about an hour away.


New Member
I was there this fall, neat city. Cant say the same for the other cities I saw, like Philadelphia, New York city, etc. You couldn't pay me to live there. I like the openess of the west. Vegas Baby, Vegas. Snow is 20 minutes away and Lake mead is 20 minutes away. You can get a meal 24/7, from Filet mignon to breakfast, cheap too. No way would I like to be surrounded by 20 Million people when the shit comes down. I've already got my survival spot picked out in the sheep mountains, about an hour away.
And there goes the world's supply of virgin wool. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Apparently, Med has no problem with Yuppie Nepotism. I was surprised by this, because he's always championed the worker class. Say, for example, a hockey-mom, who ran for PTA president, then she thought she could do a better job running the town where she lived........and later, decided to do the same with the state. There's an uplifting story. A uniquely American story. A story about a mom who wasn't satisfied with the same old same old, and decided to do something about it herself. Sounds like a regular Erin Brockovich, had she been pro-choice. A story that Med could really get behind.

Turns out, it's o.k. that we have a yuppie flake that's been trading on her name since she was born who can't even remember when she voted last.


Well-Known Member
'Ask not what your country can do for you'?

How does that fit in with Government mandated 'redistribution of wealth'?

I guess it the 'Robin Hood' effect. Everyone knows that the story of 'Robin Hood' was just a story right?

As for Kennedy, I give it a 50/50 shot, after all she is just a poor, self sacrificing liberal here to help all those less fortunate with your tax dollars.


New Member
"ask not what your country can do for you, but ask how much money can you hand over to the rich CEO's of the corporations that they ran into the ground through inflated salaries and undeserved bonus' "

"ask not why you should be allowed to spend your hard earned dollars on what you want, ask the governement to piss it away for you "

I can't believe that she is the one they want just because she's a freaking Kennedy. Being related to JKF doesn't make you JFK. MY father is a drunk, does that mean I'm a drunk? Hell NO !!!


New Member
Apparently, Med has no problem with Yuppie Nepotism. I was surprised by this, because he's always championed the worker class. Say, for example, a hockey-mom, who ran for PTA president, then she thought she could do a better job running the town where she lived........and later, decided to do the same with the state. There's an uplifting story. A uniquely American story. A story about a mom who wasn't satisfied with the same old same old, and decided to do something about it herself. Sounds like a regular Erin Brockovich, had she been pro-choice. A story that Med could really get behind.

Turns out, it's o.k. that we have a yuppie flake that's been trading on her name since she was born who can't even remember when she voted last.
Uhhhh, where did I say anything about Kennedy in this thread, please point it out, thanks.


Well-Known Member
That's what the fucking thread is about..........

Since you didn't say anything about Mrs. Schlossberg. I assumed you had no problems with a yuppie flake being appointed to the senate.........hence the word Apparently at the beginning of the post you quote....

but, hey........who am i to stop you and Vi from goin at it.


New Member
That's what the fucking thread is about..........

Since you didn't say anything about Mrs. Schlossberg. I assumed you had no problems with a yuppie flake being appointed to the senate.........hence the word Apparently at the beginning of the post you quote....

but, hey........who am i to stop you and Vi from goin at it.
There's where you went wrong.


Well-Known Member
just go back to the old set up...go to my rollitup, then click on edit options, and under miscellanious you can select a different skin...just select blzin 07


New Member
everyone go to and weigh in on the marijuana issue with Obama. During the first round of questions, decrimilization and legalization was the number one question and they replied with a form answer about Obama not being in favor of legalizing marijuana. That pissed a lot of people off. They are now bombarded with marijuana questions.

It is our DUTY to go and flood the page with marijuana questions. I myself have already hit them with 4. Everyone go and weigh in, now.


Well-Known Member
The proper ending to that quote is: But what you can do for your country.
Beyond all the jabbering from this side and that, America has shown that it is more than able to change. If you are dissatisfied, don't move to Canada. Stay here, gather up a group, and try to change things.

It wasn't so long ago that I could have been legally fired for being gay. Now? I wear rainbow earrings to work, and if anyone gives me shit for it, I can sue them. I didn't fight for these rights, but small groups of very determined people worked for decades to give them to me. The ALCU, NAACP, and varieties of other organizations, now considered formidable in the public arena, had to start with someone seeing injustice, and resolving to do something about it. But I suspect that the majority here aren't really aching for a solution, or really bothered enough to initiate a movement.

People complain, that's how it is. If things were different, we would all still be here posting, just something different. I bet it would be the same people, complaining with the same intensity and passion, about an entirely different subject.