Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You....


Well-Known Member
thanks coach!

just try to skim the post next time.
I did happen to skim it. (lightly) I know that the original subject was completely different. But it didn't take too many posts for the same general theme to appear. (Or so it seemed to me.)
Meh, I suppose I'm just being cranky. My apologies, didn't mean to thread-jack.


Well-Known Member
The proper ending to that quote is: But what you can do for your country.
Beyond all the jabbering from this side and that, America has shown that it is more than able to change. If you are dissatisfied, don't move to Canada. Stay here, gather up a group, and try to change things.

It wasn't so long ago that I could have been legally fired for being gay. Now? I wear rainbow earrings to work, and if anyone gives me shit for it, I can sue them. I didn't fight for these rights, but small groups of very determined people worked for decades to give them to me. The ALCU, NAACP, and varieties of other organizations, now considered formidable in the public arena, had to start with someone seeing injustice, and resolving to do something about it. But I suspect that the majority here aren't really aching for a solution, or really bothered enough to initiate a movement.

People complain, that's how it is. If things were different, we would all still be here posting, just something different. I bet it would be the same people, complaining with the same intensity and passion, about an entirely different subject.

Some of us do act, not just talk.Imo there are way too many lawyers just aching to sue someone. while there are times when legal action is necessary, people can be lawsuit that lady and the Mickie D's coffee coffee does not belong between the legs.. Too often it's a matter of getting ones feelings hurt. It's a fact that certain people are assholes and there's nothing to be done about it


New Member
I agree about that MC Donalds woman and the coffee, give me a break, coffee is hot, that's why you ordered it bitch. If you are so dumb that you stuck a styrofoam cup between your legs and got burnt you should consider it a learning experience. I couldn't believe that a jury awarded her the money. I would have laughed in her face.

We Love 1

New Member
They should pick me, I could sit at home, smoking bongs and not show up and I'll only charge them half the paycheck the others get and I don't need a limo either.
Right on!:clap:

I can run the country better than any of these presidents, and only $100K/year will suffice.

I'm not greedy!

I would turn most of the tobacco farms into Herb farms for medicine.

Its funny how the gov'ts don't mind selling Us cigarettes/poision, but We cant use the most medicinal plant know to man.


We Love 1

New Member
At the moment, I am a poor vagabond.

I went to college for ADVANCED engineering, but I dropped out because I was too poor and I was having family problems.

After college I got a job working construction, and then I realized I could make over 300 dollars a day scuba diving for shellfish.

I did the shellfishing for a while, and then I started working on commercial fishing boats. I saved up pretty much every penny I had so I could buy a house for My own security and so I could grow Herb and pay off My IRS taxes. (I come from a poor and BROKEN family)

I was only 21 when I bought My house, and I paid cash. I'm now 23.

The last year of My life has been hell. I lost My X fiance, My job and basically My life.

Just because My writings don't seem to benifit You now, in the end they will benifit EVERYONE. All I have to do is plant My seeds about the future. I may be a poor vagabond, but I have some REVOLUTIONARY ideas. People will find My "message in a bottle" and WAKE UP!

I know whats going to happen already. I can see the future. I am the Sower of novel ideas. (I have an electronic invention that is going to make Me wealthy, but I just don't have any money to invest into it. I just need an entrepreneur to invest in Me!)

Check out My signature and see what We can do for Our WORLD! ("You must be the change You wish to see in the World") Think and talk about the things You want to come to pass.

Trust in Jesus and God!



New Member
I'll trust in myself, thank you. Trusting jesus and god just leaves people open for let down, trust in yourself, the only one that is going to help you is you.


Well-Known Member
At the moment, I am a poor vagabond.

I went to college for ADVANCED engineering, but I dropped out because I was too poor and I was having family problems.

After college I got a job working construction, and then I realized I could make over 300 dollars a day scuba diving for shellfish.

I did the shellfishing for a while, and then I started working on commercial fishing boats. I saved up pretty much every penny I had so I could buy a house for My own security and so I could grow Herb and pay off My IRS taxes. (I come from a poor and BROKEN family)

I was only 21 when I bought My house, and I paid cash. I'm now 23.

The last year of My life has been hell. I lost My X fiance, My job and basically My life.

Just because My writings don't seem to benifit You now, in the end they will benifit EVERYONE. All I have to do is plant My seeds about the future. I may be a poor vagabond, but I have some REVOLUTIONARY ideas. People will find My "message in a bottle" and WAKE UP!

I know whats going to happen already. I can see the future. I am the Sower of novel ideas. (I have an electronic invention that is going to make Me wealthy, but I just don't have any money to invest into it. I just need an entrepreneur to invest in Me!)

Check out My signature and see what We can do for Our WORLD! ("You must be the change You wish to see in the World") Think and talk about the things You want to come to pass.

Trust in Jesus and God!

No offense, but if you touch those tobacco farms, I'll have to kill you.


New Member
Talking about tobacco, I thought Obama had quit. I'm really dissapointed to hear that he still smokes. Seems that a person that doesn't have the willpower to quit smoking may have difficulty resisting those elites that wield power over DC. My "savior" may have a crack in his mantel. Still reserving judgement though.


New Member
Hey Med ...

Take a look around. Obama is filling his administration with those Washington elites.



Well-Known Member
another 4 years of Clinton cronies..I hope not..Leon Pinneta(?) for CIA director. Why if he, and we, wanted changes, why all the Clinton reruns, and Washington oldtimers?Joe, never seen a credit card cpmpany he doesn't love Biden.. Holden and Hilary. who see personal rights as inconvenient and diffucult for average americans can handle. How about this morning when Harry Reid stated that He would have armed guards on the steps to keep Burris from taking his seat.. Damn, when did H.R. get elected President for life?


New Member
So today Roland Burris thinks he's going to crash DC and get himself his senate seat.

(Roland Burris is the senate appointment Blago pulled out of his ass before he gets removed from office)

I want to see Burris hauled away in cuffs. If Blago wants him, there's got to be a reason, and I bet there are some perks behind that reason.


New Member
So today Roland Burris thinks he's going to crash DC and get himself his senate seat.

(Roland Burris is the senate appointment Blago pulled out of his ass before he gets removed from office)

I want to see Burris hauled away in cuffs. If Blago wants him, there's got to be a reason, and I bet there are some perks behind that reason.
BUT .... BUT ... there is no constitutional authority for the Senate to refuse Burris' appointment. Blago, crook that he is, is still the Governor of Il. This will end up in the courts. Hey, ya gotta hand it to Blago, miss. What a way for him to say "fuck you" to all of his detractors. :lol:



Well-Known Member
I was there this fall, neat city. Cant say the same for the other cities I saw, like Philadelphia, New York city, etc. You couldn't pay me to live there. I like the openess of the west. Vegas Baby, Vegas. Snow is 20 minutes away and Lake mead is 20 minutes away. You can get a meal 24/7, from Filet mignon to breakfast, cheap too. No way would I like to be surrounded by 20 Million people when the shit comes down. I've already got my survival spot picked out in the sheep mountains, about an hour away.
Hey man, you're in Vegas? I didn't know that! I'm up near the new Stations casino. We've got to meet up sometime. Maybe I could taste some of your stuff, get pointers, etc. I'm having the hardest time even germinating.


Well-Known Member
lol, my guess is you are impatien and desturb the seeds before the seedling is strong enough... just scratching in the medium is enough to kill the root in the first few days...


New Member
Hey man, you're in Vegas? I didn't know that! I'm up near the new Stations casino. We've got to meet up sometime. Maybe I could taste some of your stuff, get pointers, etc. I'm having the hardest time even germinating.
Well, Vi calls my stuff bunk, but everyone else that has tried it loved it. I only have about 6 OZs left, I'm not real hep about meeting anyone on an internet site to exchange weed. As my old saying used to go back in my dealing days, If you don't know them, don't deal to them, Period. So I'm sorry, but if you look on this site, you can find everything you need to know about growing pot, from germinating seeds to determining when to harvest. BTW if you want to go through the hassle, Big hassle, you can obtain a grow permit from the state. 3 million residents and about 1,000 permits, go figure.


Well-Known Member
Well, Vi calls my stuff bunk, but everyone else that has tried it loved it. I only have about 6 OZs left, I'm not real hep about meeting anyone on an internet site to exchange weed. As my old saying used to go back in my dealing days, If you don't know them, don't deal to them, Period. So I'm sorry, but if you look on this site, you can find everything you need to know about growing pot, from germinating seeds to determining when to harvest. BTW if you want to go through the hassle, Big hassle, you can obtain a grow permit from the state. 3 million residents and about 1,000 permits, go figure.
Well I do have a medical condition but not one that would probably qualify me for a permit. BTW I've asked you once before on another thread but you never answered me, are you a REAL American Indian?


New Member
Well I do have a medical condition but not one that would probably qualify me for a permit. BTW I've asked you once before on another thread but you never answered me, are you a REAL American Indian?
Part, about 1/8th I believe, cheyenne or Sioux, can't remember, my long gone grandma told me when I was a youngster. One sign of it is I am not very hairy, body hair. I have prodigious amounts of head hair.