Assasins Sour Diesel AeroGarden Extravaganza


Active Member
Dude nice work, It wont be long before you are enjoying your own dankness. Don't let the little kid get you down, just ignore her and she will go away like the little bitch she is, most likely she came by when shes on the rag...IF NOT REPORT HER! NO REASON TO DOG YOU! They will ban the shit out of her!! Dankwise, more like dankdumbass.

On a lighter note: be glad you had the male that res is gonna be very crowded and hard to keep full of nutes. how many do have in there now? 4 ?


Active Member
Haha good for you, two is gonna be perfect for that res!!! Don't get caught up in the time warp, just get in the groove and enjoy. That way no stress, just the joy of growing. You've done your homework, now trust yourself and enjoy. I haven't had one finish on time yet, I don't know why but they took longer than they were supposed too.


FUCK ALL THE HATTERS!!! keep on growing bro. I just started following this thread and your grow is lookin good . for all your people who keep on hating; this website isnt for you, this site is meant for productive and positive response's. if you want to hate join myspace and facebook those gay websites are for people like u.


Well-Known Member
To all you sub'd,

This is a thread for my mother started today.

Heres a pic. The one on the right is still a bit 'runty'. Im doing a res change today to get out some of the dead roots. Gonna give a little dose of 'grow' for some added nitrogen. I think I need different bloom nutes. Mine are 1-4-5, seems these would be best on the tail end of flowering. Ill go pick some.



Well-Known Member
with the runty female. Pulled them out for a res change and I didnt realize just how yellow she was till I got here under some normal light. From my research it appears to be a zinc deficiency, probably due to PH being just a tad too high. Im giving her another day while I think about it. Another one for the 'things learned' list.


And heres the strong one. I think it might be best if I just give this one all of my attention. And light:)


Active Member
with the runty female. Pulled them out for a res change and I didnt realize just how yellow she was till I got here under some normal light. From my research it appears to be a zinc deficiency, probably due to PH being just a tad too high. Im giving her another day while I think about it. Another one for the 'things learned' list.

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And heres the strong one. I think it might be best if I just give this one all of my attention. And light:)
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looks great man. good job.


Well-Known Member
Just picked this up for $20. It immediately started ripping my tent walls. Theyre gonna need some reinforcement.


Still thinking about culling the runt and focusing all my attention on the strong one. Today was going to be the day but I gave her a reprieve. Does anyone (read this?) know whats up with my leaves curling like that? I thought it was PH but I pretty much have that dialed in. Shes got a res change coming up. Might use that opportunity to flush and start over.