atami wilma 4 pot is too big??


Well-Known Member
what size light? hps? cfl? if its hps your cutting it very close m8 i would make it taller,


bugger was gonna be using a 400 watt hps, i spose i could make it taller, its just its gonna look even more out of place and suspicious.i could add another foot or 2. looks like im going to have to. should be a nice set up when done, have a digital temperature controller from ecotechnics, intake and extractor fans, carbon filter, silencer, acoustic ducting, ozone generator. might even put some c02 in there at some point! any advice on what you or anyone else has done would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
The more height you have will help to keep temps more stable.

I use a wilma 4 in an 8ft tall closet with 600w aircooled.



8ft, dont think ill be able to go that high, about 6 would be my maximum. would you recomend the aircooled lights? how do you run your wilmas?


Well-Known Member
6ft should be plenty.

For smaller spaces i would always recommend aircooled.

I use a SUN SYSTEMS BLOCKBUSTER with my wilma 4 perfect downward light delivery for the wilma 4.

I use CANNA AQUA with the full CANNA lineup 1x1 rockwool to start seeds, then 3x3 rockwool handwatering until plenty of roots are showing then fill my 11litre pots with clay pebbles place 3x3 in and cover with the clay pebbles using blue flood stakes.

as for feeding times its all dependant on the plants reactions and environment etc., i use a segmental timer with 15min tabs.some people leave their pump on 24/7. I would strongly recommend an airstone in the tank.
