Atheism Thread Revived!: Jesus style


Active Member
The evidence supports it.


That single piece of evidence proves all the matter in the universe was a singularity at one point in "time".

What more do you need, honestly?

Redshift is when distant celestial bodies appear to turn more red.

Not trying to be an ass, but what does this prove?


Well-Known Member
I love you but that doesent cancel out the possiblitity IMO.
The possibility for a god to exist?

I agree. But think that logic through, does the simple possibility make it the truth? Of course not. There is a possibility invisible beings exist that we just can't detect... but is there any proof of that? No. That's why we don't take such possibilities seriously. If there is any such thing that exists that we just can't detect, like a god would be, as admitted by believers "God is outside space and time", then what's it matter?

Furthermore, the moral issues behind such propositions is a whole other issue I believe contradicts there ever existing such a being to "protect" humanity. The god of the OT and many followers of religious figures, be them Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. are dangerous people with dangerous ideas.

I'm interested in what you believe. You say you're not religious, you don't follow a religion, right?

So what do you believe in? Do you believe any gods exist? Are you an atheist?

Redshift is when distant celestial bodies appear to turn more red.

Not trying to be an ass, but what does this prove?
Good question! I applaud you for asking.

This bit is from wikipedia;

Redshifts are attributable to three different physical effects. The first discovered was the Doppler effect, familiar in the changes in the apparent pitches of sirens and frequency of the sound waves emitted by speeding vehicles; an observed redshift due to the Doppler effect occurs whenever a light source moves away from an observer. Cosmological redshift is seen due to the expansion of the universe, and sufficiently distant light sources (generally more than a few million light years away) show redshift corresponding to the rate of increase of their distance from Earth. Finally, gravitational redshifts are a relativistic effect observed in electromagnetic radiation moving out of gravitational fields. Conversely, a decrease in wavelength is called blue shift and is generally seen when a light-emitting object moves toward an observer or when electromagnetic radiation moves into a gravitational field.

So basically since we can observe other galaxies light years away from us with our telescopes and each one of them is emitting a light that is on the red side of the spectrum, we can accurately conclude that each galaxy is moving away from us at an increasing rate, in other words, the universe is expanding. If you use that knowledge and apply it going backwards in time, like a movie playing in reverse, you will find that all the matter that is in existence was at one point all in the same place. This is huge evidence to support the big bang theory and the expanding universe theory.


Active Member
The possibility for a god to exist?

I agree. But think that logic through, does the simple possibility make it the truth? Of course not. There is a possibility invisible beings exist that we just can't detect... but is there any proof of that? No. That's why we don't take such possibilities seriously. If there is any such thing that exists that we just can't detect, like a god would be, as admitted by believers "God is outside space and time", then what's it matter?

Furthermore, the moral issues behind such propositions is a whole other issue I believe contradicts there ever existing such a being to "protect" humanity. The god of the OT and many followers of religious figures, be them Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. are dangerous people with dangerous ideas.

I'm interested in what you believe. You say you're not religious, you don't follow a religion, right?

So what do you believe in? Do you believe any gods exist? Are you an atheist?

Good question! I applaud you for asking.

This bit is from wikipedia;

Redshifts are attributable to three different physical effects. The first discovered was the Doppler effect, familiar in the changes in the apparent pitches of sirens and frequency of the sound waves emitted by speeding vehicles; an observed redshift due to the Doppler effect occurs whenever a light source moves away from an observer. Cosmological redshift is seen due to the expansion of the universe, and sufficiently distant light sources (generally more than a few million light years away) show redshift corresponding to the rate of increase of their distance from Earth. Finally, gravitational redshifts are a relativistic effect observed in electromagnetic radiation moving out of gravitational fields. Conversely, a decrease in wavelength is called blue shift and is generally seen when a light-emitting object moves toward an observer or when electromagnetic radiation moves into a gravitational field.

So basically since we can observe other galaxies light years away from us with our telescopes and each one of them is emitting a light that is on the red side of the spectrum, we can accurately conclude that each galaxy is moving away from us at an increasing rate, in other words, the universe is expanding. If you use that knowledge and apply it going backwards in time, like a movie playing in reverse, you will find that all the matter that is in existence was at one point all in the same place. This is huge evidence to support the big bang theory and the expanding universe theory.
I agree with that but either way I still believe an inteligent creator is responsible for all of this IMO.


Well-Known Member
Lets see the proof buddyboy............................................................................oh thats right it doesent exist.
Where is your proof buddy boy?
Prove to me that god does exist
It is much harder to prove his existence than it is to disprove it


Active Member
The possibility for a god to exist?

I'm interested in what you believe. You say you're not religious, you don't follow a religion, right?

So what do you believe in? Do you believe any gods exist? Are you an atheist?

Right, I believe all organized religion is evil.

I find that there is far too much beauty in our majestic earth & far too much love in the eyes of your child to just be a coincidence.

I believe without god there would be no love at all..........and no im not an athiest, and I dont have any problem with them.

I love all of gods children, even those who have spilled my blood.


Well-Known Member
I am not getting into this with some crazy god lover, you will never wake up
Go eat jesus and drink his blood, creep


Active Member
I am not getting into this with some crazy god lover, you will never wake up
Go eat jesus and drink his blood, creep
hmmm as I suspected you go running off when you have absolutley no knowledge on the subject, lemme guess your 12 right?.....Damn i knew it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah of course you find it too hard to believe, yet you believe that there is some crazy man in the sky watching you and can hear your prayers
Get real dude
You can't believe facts but you believe in magical fairy tales
Alice in wonderland religion? Harry Potter? When will those be catching on?
Thank you for proving those charts to be correct


Active Member
Yeah of course you find it too hard to believe, yet you believe that there is some crazy man in the sky watching you and can hear your prayers
Get real dude
You can't believe facts but you believe in magical fairy tales
Alice in wonderland religion? Harry Potter? When will those be catching on?
Thank you for proving those charts to be correct

hey man its bedtime dont make your mummy mad.