Attention outdoor/indoor growers

That time a year some did ok and some harvested enough to supply the whole town. Many patients as you know are on disability, low income or some other means of assistance. Many have trouble affording medicine or let alone get by. I ask you like myself to take a little time go down to your local normal chapter or local club and donate a little, give what you can. Maybe you just have a patient or know a card holder struggling to make ends meet, just giving a little something can brighten their day. After all that is what medical marijuana is all about, compassion and caring. thank you for your time.


with all due respect, if they cant get medicine or afford it then they should get a job or figure out what there doing wrong!!! Mabey too much other stuff!!! If their disabled, then they get disability?! right!!! Disability is to take care of your needs, if its not enough then your doing something wrong as a person with disability!!! By no means am i being heartless!! If you feel that I am your a CUNT!! i would give anything to my VETS or someone in real need!!!!!


Well-Known Member
disability is ranked by functionability regardless of pain. some people can move just fine except it hurts all over. such as MS patients. There bodies literally dying. im not saying your heartless but disability hardly covers what you need. its like wellfair. its only a help me out not a fund my life.

my neighbor got his hand crushed between 2 55 gallon drums from about 3 inches below his wrist.
he has no use of his left hand and has to wear a glove 24/7

according to disability hes "barely injured" and gets jack shit. but in real life he has one less hand and severe nerve damage. id toss him a few grams just to ease the pain. also he just had a pain pump installed in his back pumping directly into his spine. if thats "barely injured" then i dont wanna know what actual "disabled" is. wheel chair bound?

also he is post divorce so you cant blame him for bein broke as fuck.
with all due respect, if they cant get medicine or afford it then they should get a job or figure out what there doing wrong!!! Mabey too much other stuff!!! If their disabled, then they get disability?! right!!! Disability is to take care of your needs, if its not enough then your doing something wrong as a person with disability!!! By no means am i being heartless!! If you feel that I am your a CUNT!! i would give anything to my VETS or someone in real need!!!!! kiss-ass
I work in the medical field I see death true pain and suffering all the time. A lot of seniors also use medical marijuana. Disability dose not pay much like you think, you need to better educate your self on charity and suffering. Some day maybe not till you are older you will know what that can feel like. I don't like the word karma but you what comes around and treat others like- you know the rest.


Well-Known Member
and if youre a halfway decent grower you should be getting so much that you can just toss a zip here or there.

every harvest i always make sure to toss sacks to my friends and some people who could use a smoke or two.

especially them cause an 8 with last them months. they get medicated off a hit or 2.

better your efforts and maybe youll feel compassion

benny blanco

Active Member
You think if you donate a few zips they're gonna give it away? Dispensary owners are some of the greediest fucks out there