Attitude Seeds confiscated at the Border. Will...


Well-Known Member
Will Attitude simply resend the sends to me if I send a letter explaining my seeds were confiscated at the Border (or should I not mention that and just say I never received them).

I DID order with the 'Guaranteed Stealth shipping method' (and FYI did get my stupid T-shirt).

Has anyone else bought from Attitude with their 'Guaranteed Shipping' option and had their seeds confiscated? What happened? Did they resend the seeds or what?


Well-Known Member
If they were confiscated, you will receive a letter from customs saying that the contraband was found and confiscated. If you dont get the letter, you might have been ripped off. If the package had not been tampered with, I would look again. Attitue is VERY good at hiding seeds. They could be taped to the inside of the shirt of something. I never ordered the t-shirt or any other stealth options, and I still had to look twice to find the seeds in my first order from them.


Well-Known Member
I was typing while you were posting. If you send a copy of the note Attitude should resend them. Contact Rachel and tell her what happened. She is really a nice girl. I have spoken with her on the phone and she was quite helpful.


Well-Known Member
Email them and tell them to resend. Just tell them the truth and what happened. You pay extra for the guaranteed shipping for a reason.


Well-Known Member
Thanks... that's good to hear! I actually didn't choose stealth (like I mistakenly wrote above), I choose original breeders packaging (mistake?).

Cpl. CornB33F

Active Member
That makes sense, bitch them out because customs took the seeds. Unless I am missing the reason it would be the seedbank's fault, you have just shown the world one more time just what a dumbass you are.
Fuck you! If you don't get your seeds you paid for. Bitch. those seeds are not cheap by any stretch. So shut the fuck up and quit trying to make fun of people to make yourself feel better.


Active Member
It's the seedbanks problem because attitude charges nearly $30 for shipping and you get a two try deal if they don't arrive the first time.. such as this guy getting a letter saying they were confiscated. They will resend them once.. if you dont want the gaurantee pay your $15 for shipping and then yes, its your problem if they don't arrive. :D


Well-Known Member
Fuck you! If you don't get your seeds you paid for. Bitch. those seeds are not cheap by any stretch. So shut the fuck up and quit trying to make fun of people to make yourself feel better.
Very intellegent reply. Many people with low IQ's resort to abusive language as a defense mechanism. Or maybe you were raised by trash that never taught you any manners.

Not that would understand, but it has been proven that if you aproach a problem, such as the one being dicussed here, with a level head and dont go off half cocked bitching at people before you give them a chance to resolve the problem, you will have a much better chance at getting things done sooner. Otherwise people you have dealings with might get the idea that you are a bad tempered, rude dumbass and then you would run the risk of them saying:finger:. And we wouldnt want that, would we. Have a nice day:hug:

Cpl. CornB33F

Active Member
Wow whatever man. You said, Many people with low IQ's resort to abusive language as a defense mechanism. Now doesn't that makes you a hypocrite. You even used " abusive language" in that same sentence and only to follow up on your next sentence, and your whole gay response, with more. I bet you think your pretty smart huh? If you were, you would realize you sunk to the level you are making fun of stupid. Now go fuck yourself because NO ONE ELSE WILL.


Well-Known Member
Wow whatever man. You said, Many people with low IQ's resort to abusive language as a defense mechanism. Now doesn't that makes you a hypocrite. You even used " abusive language" in that same sentence and only to follow up on your next sentence, and your whole gay response, with more. I bet you think your pretty smart huh? If you were, you would realize you sunk to the level you are making fun of stupid. Now go fuck yourself because NO ONE ELSE WILL.
Good dog, I yanked your chain and you barked. I'm done here. You were too easy.


i ordered 4 northen lights fem with just the standard shipping and they got to me safe and sound with my free ufo seed 2 days later


There was that awsome promo i was thinking man it'd suck if they got LOST.
and i got a letter stating they were CONFISCATED !!! i had no worries because they say they send them STEALTH.... bs.
I got a letter the First time from customs and they REPLACED THEM
Although strangely no merchandise showed up.
ATTITUDE ROCK- ED!@!! - as in they used to rock.I just hope they will maintain their responsibilities....
Now..... The Question Remains.... Will they replace them again .???
The only times i got seeds through the INTERNET they came as ""MOVIES" eheheh get the idea?! its a METAPHORE
This is the third time i ordered from attitude, and i can honeslty say it had always worked.
I CAN"T AFFORD 150$ bucks of seeds... again... Like many a people here i don't grow to sell.

Has anyone had as bad luck as me?!~ i should've ordered netflix.


Well-Known Member
I got a note from the Canada Border Services Agency saying they found 16 cannabis seeds.
so when this happens wouldt they launch an investagation ? like they got a name and an address to go with , put that along with a high hydro bill or something and boom . not trying to rattle your nerves but what happens now ?