Audio Surf


Well-Known Member
I came across this game a couple of days ago and im addicted!!

This game takes any music u have in your collection and makes it into a race track full of psychedelic colours and effects. Its kinda hard to describe so heres a couple of videos to show ya what its about :blsmoke:

YouTube - Audio Surf - Scooby Snacks by Fun Lovin' Criminals

YouTube - Audiosurf - Matrix

It really is a awsome game when ya a bit bored n high n wana listen to some tunes while having some fun.

Also after u played a tune u get so see the world/local ranking for points of that particular tune.

Its only $9, i bought it on steam through payapl, very easy.

Enjoy if any of ya buy it! An awsome recomendation for any stoner :joint:

Green Gaia

Active Member
This game looks great, I also really enjoy a nice packed bowl and the game Rez.:blsmoke: It's available for download on XBox Live and it is totally trippy and awesome. In fact, I am going to go play right now.:joint: