Id be surprised if anyone on this forum cares what you think anymore. Your not exactly one for researching anything. You just ask on here, get upset if you don't get the answer you wanted, ignore everyone's advice and do your own thing to ask the same Q in 3 weeks time. Just off the top of my head you did this with Fungus Gnats, those tall plants and even how to pop seeds. All pretty basic stuff.
You slight Bongs pics due to him using a flash sometimes but yet you have always photo shopped yours with lights and filters. Anyone who thinks Bongs flowers are not beautiful and well grown has no clue on growing.
Your dangerouse becuase you post pics of your kids and your face on a drug forum. Just the older pics of you with the water marks on them is enough to find pictures of your face and your name but no you go and post a face pic.... You import powder and traffic it across state lines. Your a danger to yourself and everyone on here. You even "claim" to give out your passwords to your "stalker". I wonder if you delete PMs or save them for later use. (that might worry a few people )
You say you don't get offended but you do, big time.